he was sick for about a month and refused to go to the hospital.....we finally got him to go, he had pnemonia, and they thought that maybe something was wrong with his gall bladder....come to find out there are spots on his liver and there is a mass of tissue under his sternum that is to big to be removed....they are not sure if it malignant or not...(his brother had something simalar in his back a few years ago)
its really tough for the family right now but we are keeping our spirits up around him ....iv been there every chance i get hanging out with him...and am going to watch the lsu game and saints game with him this weekend
just asking for a quick prayer for a die hard saints fan and more importantly a Great Paw Paw
its really tough for the family right now but we are keeping our spirits up around him ....iv been there every chance i get hanging out with him...and am going to watch the lsu game and saints game with him this weekend
just asking for a quick prayer for a die hard saints fan and more importantly a Great Paw Paw