Saints on PTI (1 Viewer)


Veteran Starter
Mar 13, 2006
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The saints were the topic of discussion for this weekends matchups. The question was would have thought the bengals and the saints were this good. Who would you take in a shocker this year, bengals or saints? The first analyst took the bengals because he said that they won the division last year so that by far is the biggest shocker. Wilbon corrected him saying im taking the saints, because the games that they have lost have been close and that they should be 8-1 not 6-3. He says he sees them winning the division and going to the playoffs. Finally, we are getting a 50/50 chance on ESPN. I love it when a analyst sets the records straight with a comment on how well that the saints have played this season.
Furthermore... win this week and we are control of our own destiny.

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