Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (2 Viewers)

[QUOTE="Saintsphere, post: 8065639, member: 2326"
Payton needs to get the leaders on a Zoom call or something ASAP. Black players are very antsy right now (for good reason) and Brees' logic whether you agree or not has the potential to cause a divide amongst the team.

Perfectly said. Drew should have kept quiet on this one. But we are all human and he is passionate. I don't think he is racist at all. He is too classy. But the timing for his message with the strong wording was likley not in the best interest of the team right now. SP has his work cut out for him. We need team unity to win a SB. A divided locker room by color of skin would be toxic.
I will say this. I don't agree with a lot of my coworkers and friends and their stance on a lot of things. But I respect it. And Thomas and Brees should too. No one should force anyone to follow a trend
Imagine arguing that two people should respect each other's beliefs when one person's beliefs symbolize the oppression of the other...
I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots around the country? I am not making light of the cause of BLM by asking this . I just want to know why its important to insult the flag and country for the cause. Help me understand.
Imagine calling yourself a patriot while arguing for the suppression of someone else's First Amendment rights...
What is wrong with this world?! We can no longer let people have their own opinion. If your opinion differs, you are evil. This whole world is upside down!

And on Drew Brees...just because he doesn't believe kneeling during the national anthem is correct, does not mean he agrees with racism. All he disagrees with is the avenue to express an opinion. Anyone who directly correlates his disapproval of kneeling as Drew is a racist or Drew has no compassion for what people in the black community have had to endure, please take a deep breath. He is not a racist and he does care.
every post that starts this way ends with the poster ignorant that they are doing the vary thing they rail against
if you believe the first paragraph you wrote, then you have no issue with players kneeling and it's Drew who is acting against what you say you want

not singling you out - there's a good 30 posters who unironically did the same thing you're doing
Payton needs to get the leaders on a Zoom call or something ASAP. Black players are very antsy right now (for good reason) and Brees' logic whether you agree or not has the potential to cause a divide amongst the team.

Perception is reality. He may not be racist, but no one cares when you repeat things that racist people say.
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people that are hating on Drew don’t understand what standing for the anthem and the flag is about.
I think a big part of the problem is that people don’t listen to each other, that many don’t have empathy, and many don’t understand, nor care to understand, their fellow human’s point of view.

What the anthem and the flag mean to you might mean something different to your neighbor, and that’s ok. What kneeling during the anthem might mean something different to you than it does to others.

We can have differences of opinions. We SHOULD be able to have differences of opinion without hating and dismissing those that have differing views.

Listen. Empathize. Try to see things from a different point of view. That’s how we will grow as people and as a country.
Imagine arguing that two people should respect each other's beliefs when one person's beliefs symbolize the oppression of the other...
My statement was general. You went on to a specific situation. Even that topic can be discussed openingly. Or will I be labeled if I don't agree with you?
Perhaps it was the last straw... see, most notably, comments about Rod Sterling.
"Perhaps" isn't a very strong rebuttal though, is it now?

Speak for yourself.

We each speak for ourselves. Nothing wrong with pointing out how some things become group think though, right?

No. I am going to say comparing number of deaths without taking into consideration population numbers is, at best, naive.

Then there are circumstances... how many "I can't breathe" videos have we seen resulting in white people dying? How many white people get 7 bullets fired at them because they inform the police officer he has a gun in his car? How many white 12 year olds are gunned down without warning at a park because they are playing with a toy gun? How many State attorneys omit to charge cops when 2 racist yahoos hunt and gun down a white man? I can keep on going, but ...

And don't get me wrong, yes, the police abuses white people too... but the abuse very disproportionate.

Do those white lives matter though?

Per arrest for a violent crime, a white person is more likely than a black person to be killed by the police.

In Marksville, LA in 2015, two black officers shot and killed a 6 year old white boy while shooting into a parked car where his father was wounded. One of the officers received a 40 year sentence. Not sure what became of the other officer, but there was no looting or rioting. The officers responsible was held accountable for this horrible incident.
This is the problem.The BLACK officer was held accountable. The BLACK officer recieved a 40 year sentence. Have a look at all the white cops who have killed black innocent people. Most of them get away with a slap on the wrist and/or zero prision time.
What is wrong with this world?! We can no longer let people have their own opinion. If your opinion differs, you are evil. This whole world is upside down!

And on Drew Brees...just because he doesn't believe kneeling during the national anthem is correct, does not mean he agrees with racism. All he disagrees with is the avenue to express an opinion. Anyone who directly correlates his disapproval of kneeling as Drew is a racist or Drew has no compassion for what people in the black community have had to endure, please take a deep breath. He is not a racist and he does care.
This is exactly correct.. You can only have ONE opinion or you are blasted as racists.... Does not matter Drew's actions in regards to the black community over the years. Nothing matter but the RIGHT opinion. Does not matter that there are so many ways to protest that does not involve a national symbol.. Nothing matters but the RIGHT opinion. Does not matter that a person can have a lifetime of crossing and healing racial barriers... Nothing matters but the RIGHT opinion.

No if you don't agree with the RIGHT opinion you are racists. NOTHING else matters
I get the sense that Brees and teammates will fix this. I know there are feelings that are hurt but I have full confidence that this team and these people can be leaders in restoration and peace.
What is wrong with this world?! We can no longer let people have their own opinion. If your opinion differs, you are evil. This whole world is upside down!
The problem is that it has become accepted that just because someone has an opinion that it should be respected. Not all opinions are created equal and not all opinions should be respected. Some opinions are ridiculously, tremendously, hilariously wrong.

Some people are of the opinion that man never landed on the moon, the world is flat or black people have equal opportunity in this country. These opinions are not very well formed and the result of willful ignorance. It just so happens that Drew's opinion on this matter is one of those times.

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