Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (3 Viewers)

Any one who follows the Saints already knew that Drew was this kind of guy. And by that I mean Focus on the Family, Republicans, Ellen, and just generally being a moral trashfire. I don't think anyone who knows him was actually surprised, but Malcolm has been away for awhile, particularly during when the Kap thing blew up and everyone got a good taste.

Jesus christ... so him focusing on his beliefs make him a moral trashfire now?

You're one of those cool, my way or the highway types arent ya?
Lots of snowflakes triggered here. Drew Brees is defending the flag. Sorry guys. It isn’t ignorant. It’s respect.
Clearly the experiences of Blacks and Whites in this country are different. The flag never stopped black people from being lynched during slavery or Jim Crow. I wonder if the cops who killed George Floyd had the flag on their uniform? This romantic notions that these noble Americans built this country on their own without the exploration of Blacks and other groups is just false. Blacks have sacrificed and died at every step of this country's history but people talk about the flag like it doesn't have blood on it.
Any one who follows the Saints already knew that Drew was this kind of guy. And by that I mean Focus on the Family, Republicans, Ellen, and just generally being a moral trashfire. I don't think anyone who knows him was actually surprised, but Malcolm has been away for awhile, particularly during when the Kap thing blew up and everyone got a good taste.

Do I need to explain to you why Ellen and FotF wouldn't get along?

Drew isn't a bad guy, just tone deaf.
Why did I look at the internet today???

Sorry, but if Drew still felt that way about kneeling during the anthem then it was the dumbest move to have an interview and say it out for the whole world to hear. It comes across as being very insensitive and ignorant about why folks would be kneeling.

Just a dumb thing to say and do. DUMB.

Don't think he could recover from this.
So in this scenario, does Drew get a few minutes to voice why his opinion is what is or nah?

Of course he should! After all, a discussion about systemic racism and how it affects his black teammates, their families, and their communities should be all about Drew's thoughts on the subject.
I think It is a bit of overreaction by some of the people bashing Brees and I mean those people who knows Brees is a good person.

I'm totally fine with pointing he is ignorant about the real issue and saying he misses the point and understand people that don't know him bashing him but people that are supposed to be his friends burying him and making him public enemy number one is a little too much. If he was unknown to Jenkins and the other guys I would get it, like I get the response from twitter but people close to him should know he is not a bad person to deserve what will come his way from now on.
I think a lot of what you bring up in your second paragraph will end up carrying more weight than many might think. There are legitimately hurt feelings from teammates who clearly respected and cared about Drew Brees personally -- and almost certainly still do, deep down, despite all. Heck, that's a big reason it hurts so bad -- it's a comrade-in-arms, a literal Saint of a man in most all respects, not just some rando mouthing off. Drew Brees matters not only to us fans but also to his teammates, to his coaches, to the Saints organization, to the league, and to the community of pro athletes.

Accordingly: it's very early on, but I've already seen evidence that at least a few of his teammates aren't immediately writing Brees off as a person. Expressing deep disappointment and certainly anger, yes. But not a complete write-off. We'll see what tomorrow brings ... but early returns seem to suggest that there is room for reconciliation.
Any one who follows the Saints already knew that Drew was this kind of guy. And by that I mean Focus on the Family, Republicans, Ellen, and just generally being a moral trashfire. I don't think anyone who knows him was actually surprised, but Malcolm has been away for awhile, particularly during when the Kap thing blew up and everyone got a good taste.
Drew Brees is not a bad person. Drew however is a guy who's lived in a bubble his whole life and has stubbornly refused to educate himself more on social issues. That's his right, it's his life, but when you're the QB of a team filled with black men and of a city predominantly black, you had better brace yourself for any fallout.
Do I need to explain to you why Ellen and FotF wouldn't get along?

Drew isn't a bad guy, just tone deaf.

Just throwing this out there FWIW...But there's been a lot of talk recently how Ellen is a horrible person to her employees and to strangers who politely speak to her on the street.
lol. So dumb. Whatever makes your agenda work

It is in bad taste since sporting events and lives are in no way equivocal... but here is a football analogy for you to try to help with the understanding. Lets say the average NFL team gets 7 penalties a game for 58 yards. Now say that holds true for 31 teams, but the Saints, playing no more dirty than the other 31 teams on average, get hit with 24 penalties a game for 202 yards.

Now assume that this disparity is not an event isolated to a single game, or a single season... but rather has been going on since the inception of the team. You are a Saints fan, would you be pretty pissed off and want to see things changed?

sarcasm on/Of course when you look at the numbers for that single season in aggregate the other 31 teams had a total of 3,472 penalties for 28,768 yards while the Saints only had 384 penalties for 3,232 yards... so yeah they are penalized less than the whole league combined.. there is no bias there at all./sarcasm off
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Just throwing this out there FWIW...But there's been a lot of talk recently how Ellen is a horrible person to her employees and to strangers who politely speak to her on the street.

True, but little to do with FotF
You haven't been shut down. When a math professor tells you your answer is wrong, you haven't been shut down, you've been corrected.

austxsaintfan said:
It isn't a sign of disrespect in your opinion. To someone else it is a sign of disrespect.
To those who refuse to listen, sure. I'm not really interested in their thoughts on the matter, frankly. They are narrow-minded, lack focus, and are part of the problem.

and yet, the analogy of a math professor does not apply in this case. You assume that because someone has a differing opinion than yours that they refuse to listen. WRONG
And to my point, yes you did call me names: narrow minded, ...someone lacking focus, and accused me of being part of the problem.

You are the problem. You epitomize CANCEL CULTURE. If someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you don't take a pound of flesh. You're the one who needs to listen.
It's pretty simple.

Let's take the 2019 numbers you posted.

Per US census estimate of 2019 - 328 million people in the US/76.5% white/13.4% black/10,1% all others
370 whites killed in a population of about 251 million (76% of 328) equals 0.000148%
235 blacks killed in a population of about 44 million (13% of 328) equals 0.000534%

So blacks are killed at a rate over 3.5 times (350%) more than whites.

That's inequality and more likely prejudice and racism.

US Census LINK
I would see another more likely explanation than your "likely prejudice and racism." I think it's more a function of police interactions. So, instead of using total number of each race in your calculation denominator, you need to use total numbers of each race involved in police interactions (let's say arrested). That will give a more true indication and change your conclusion.

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