Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

Let me know when you find an article about Ryan Clark giving millions to help poor people of all races during Covid to make sure they had food to eat.

I'll hang up and listen.
To those who refuse to listen, sure. I'm not really interested in their thoughts on the matter, frankly. They are narrow-minded, lack focus, and are part of the problem.

and yet, the analogy of a math professor does not apply in this case. You assume that because someone has a differing opinion than yours that they refuse to listen. WRONG
And to my point, yes you did call me names: narrow minded, ...someone lacking focus, and accused me of being part of the problem.

You are the problem. You epitomize CANCEL CULTURE. If someone doesn't agree with your opinion, you don't take a pound of flesh. You're the one who needs to listen.

I rest my case. There's no opinion here, there is fact that you choose to ignore.
This is so ignorant it hurts. Brees is 100 % correct and was way before he was even born. You honor those who died for you your family and your freedom that shouldn't even be debated but in this ignorant age but by some miracle it is by those who don't have the brains God gave a chicken. Does that mean you ignore how minorities are being treated and their plight in our country? Again absoluteley not. A football field is not the proper medium for that, congress and your leaders are.
Not sure what Brees did or didn't do here (unless they wanted him to lie)... He never mentioned Kapernick, Protests, Roits, etc.... He was asked a direct question, and simply said what he does and why he does it when the anthem is played and the colors are presented.... I did't hear him down play, speak ill, or otherwise denounce what anyone else does or for what reason....

I get that we are pissed about the current situation (and rightfully so)... but are we so pissed that we will not tolerate any other convictions, opinions, or reasons for doing what we do if it's not in lock step with everyone else?

If so... we need to take a step back and reassess what it means to be "free".... and where our convictions really lie.

Peace and Love ya'll... Geez.
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How you think a guy wanting to stand for the national anthem IS about racism is fascinating to me.

I for one dont think standing for the National anthem is a racist stance... I do disagree with the assessment that kneeling is in some way disrespectful to the flag, the nation, or the troops. Quite the opposite, I believe that staying quiet and complicit while rights stated as guaranteed are denied, is the ultimate disrespect to our nation and soldiers.
Many people say Drew is defending the flag. What I think he is defending is what the flag means to him, but with little regard to what it means to others.

To everyone that thinks kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful, what do you think about people chugging a beer on their Instagram clad in an American flag bathing suit, yelling ‘MERICA! Is that not desecrating the flag? Where’s the cognitive dissonance?

What some view as disrespectful, others might have a completely different view. What might be disrespectful to drew might symbolize solidarity against injustice and a cry for awareness to many others.
Of course he should! After all, a discussion about systemic racism and how it affects his black teammates, their families, and their communities should be all about Drew's thoughts on the subject.
Brees should just follow the John Mayer-method. Develop a medical condition, disappear for a year, then come back like nothing happened.
This thread has gotten so toxic. So here’s another opinion to think about.

As a country, we have identified the problem. Let’s starting talking about solutions. If we continue to yell about the problem without providing a solution people will stop listening. We have ridden this ride as a nation many times in the past decade, and the attention seems to just fade away each time. This time has to be different, and something should be changed. Let’s talk about what changes need to be made and how we as a society can make it happen. I’m on board.
I rest my case. There's no opinion here, there is fact that you choose to ignore.

there you go again....muddying the issue. there is no fact here. I stated that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. You stated that they are not allowed to have any opinion if the are not your opinion.

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