Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments (1 Viewer)

so you have your opinion. Which I’m not saying is right or wrong, but it’s not ok for someone (in this case Drew) to disagree with you ?

He is free to disagree, and I do not think he is a bad person or a racist for disagreeing. However those he works with , calls friends, or calls fans have every right to challenge his position through discussion, and decide their position on his future in the previously mentioned categories(fan, friend, coworker).

Honestly I think this whole thing blows over (within the team that is) and Brees ends up kneeling in solidarity with the team at some point (likely pre-anthem) before standing during the anthem.
Any one who follows the Saints already knew that Drew was this kind of guy. And by that I mean Focus on the Family, Republicans, Ellen, and just generally being a moral trashfire. I don't think anyone who knows him was actually surprised, but Malcolm has been away for awhile, particularly during when the Kap thing blew up and everyone got a good taste.

FWIW I think Drew’s response lacked awareness and was tone deaf, but why is someone that has differing views from yourself (Drew in this case) a “moral trashfire”? Why resort to this kind of name calling since his ideals don’t align with your own?
Tearful Jenkins won't let comments from teammate Drew Brees slide

Just throwing this out there FWIW...But there's been a lot of talk recently how Ellen is a horrible person to her employees and to strangers who politely speak to her on the street.

A long time ago, Ellen said something hateful towards New Orleans - before she became an icon - I forgot what the heck she said, but I've had it in for her ever since, and am cheered up anytime someone says something negative about her.
Umm, are you sort of forgetting Japan and Germany declaring war on us or am I just way too high right now
I knew that was going to get brought up. Now there are some questionable things about Japan, our involvement in their conflict with China at the time, and why Pearl Harbor was bombed (wait, intervention in someone's else conflict caused collateral damage?) but because they haven't been fully confirmed, it is all speculation. Anywho, after we declared war on Japan, Germany in turned declared war on us. Think about it; WW2 was going on for 2 years before those events happened. They DID NOT want us to participate in that war.
It’s hard to come to terms with the fact a person I respect so much as an athlete has such malignant and discriminatory views.

After the Focus on the Family episode, I truly wanted to believe that he was naive and genuinely unaware that that organisation promotes harmful and unscientific protocols like gay conversion therapy.

The inescapable conclusion now though is that Drew just doesn’t get it.

I’m sure we will get a statement “clarifying” his comments or another awkward taped apology. If the objective is to preserve what’s left of his public reputation, he almost doesn’t have a choice.

Undoubtedly, that will be satisfactory to a large contingent of Saints fans who will point to it and say, “see, this is what he really meant”.

Unfortunately, the mask has slipped off one too many times now.

He doesn't need to apologize i rather know how a person really thinks and feels. If that's what he really feels than good stand on it and own it but for fans on here sitting here and apologizing for him is crazy and making the issue about a anthem kneeling and vets is crazy. None of that has anything to do with what happen to a guy who died because of a cop having his knee pressed on his neck face down on the ground. But if most choose to walk around blind because of there favorite athlete or sports organization that's really sad.
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I watched something once about Drew’s hyper specific diet. You’d think someone that disciplined About their body would stay away from so much boot licking.
He is free to disagree, and I do not think he is a bad person or a racist for disagreeing. However those he works with , calls friends, or calls fans have every right to challenge his position through discussion, and decide their position on his future in the previously mentioned categories(fan, friend, coworker).

Honestly I think this whole thing blows over (within the team that is) and Brees ends up kneeling in solidarity with the team at some point (likely pre-anthem) before standing during the anthem.

I think Drew’s timing could have been better. I think the reporter baited him and he took it and given what’s going on it’s a bit tone deaf. There’s nothing wrong with feeling patriotic for the national anthem just like you’re not wrong for disagreeing.
Drew however is a guy who's lived in a bubble his whole life and has stubbornly refused to educate himself more on social issues.
Anyone who knows anything about Brees' life growing up would know that it was anything but bubble-like. It's one of the biggest reasons why he is so strongly faith driven.
I side with drew on most things but not this. Now is not the time to talk about disrespect ring the flag. Now is the time to stand with our African American brothers and sisters and support
them. Change has to come at almost any cost at this point. None of this change has anything to do with military at this point. And shame on the reporter for asking that loaded question. What’s going on has nothing to do with kneeling during a game. Very very rough comment by Brees even out of Context.

now is simply not the time for crap like that.
I knew that was going to get brought up. Now there are some questionable things about Japan, our involvement in their conflict with China at the time, and why Pearl Harbor was bombed (wait, intervention in someone's else conflict caused collateral damage?) but because they haven't been fully confirmed, it is all speculation. Anywho, after we declared war on Japan, Germany in turned declared war on us. Think about it; WW2 was going on for 2 years before those events happened. They DID NOT want us to participate in that war.

Umm, yeah. You need to do some more reading about events leading up to that imo.

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