Saw 3 Review/Discussion (1 Viewer)

dome patrol

VIP Contributor
Mar 7, 2001
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Saw 3 Review/Discussion ***SPOILERS INSIDE***

If you don't want know anything about the movie then read no further.

What did you guys think of the movie? I went to the 12:01 showing in Baton Rouge. It was probably the most gruesome movie of the three. Lots of gore, yum.

Detective Matthews breaking his foot with the piece of cement was intense. Him walking on it and it just flopping there was probably the grossest thing in the movie to me.

Two questions:

1.) The ending obviously leaves ends open for Saw 4 with Jeff in the room, his little girl behind the door, and Jigsaw saying he was responsible for Jeff's son's death. However, Kerry is dead, Detective Matthews is dead, Amanda is dead, Jigsaw is dead, Lynn got her head blown off. There's not much to work with.

2.) Did it seem to anyone else that Jigsaws relationship with Lynn was a little more intimate then we really know? How about the blonde girl he was taking pictures of in the flashback? Looked like it could be Lynn with blonde hair. Then at the end he holds were hand as well as tells Amanda to "leave us, we're fine," etc. He seemed to have a real soft spot for her.

I give the movie a solid B.
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You say Jigsaw is He supposedly was dead after the second one.
Spoiler alert in the title would be nice. I don't care but someone else might.
You say Jigsaw is He supposedly was dead after the second one.

Well it was much easier bringing him back after the second because although he was beat down pretty good, at the end you can see a little smile while he's sitting in the van.

But in the 3rd he got slit in the juggular (just like Xavier in Saw2) and Lynn's collar exploded which meant his heart rate stopped.
just a question for the fans.

Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time and resources that would be required to torture people the way this guy does?

I have a hard enough time trying to balance my check book, let alone working the logistics of how I could bury a key in somebody's eye ball while trapping them in a house with a paper shredder attached to their face.....
just a question for the fans.

Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time and resources that would be required to torture people the way this guy does?

I have a hard enough time trying to balance my check book, let alone working the logistics of how I could bury a key in somebody's eye ball while trapping them in a house with a paper shredder attached to their face.....

I could do it in 10 minutes. 12 tops.
I have a hard enough time trying to balance my check book, let alone working the logistics of how I could bury a key in somebody's eye ball while trapping them in a house with a paper shredder attached to their face.....

Maybe he hired an accountant to manage his finances so that he could devote all of his time to designing elaborate torture devices.
just a question for the fans.

Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time and resources that would be required to torture people the way this guy does?

I have a hard enough time trying to balance my check book, let alone working the logistics of how I could bury a key in somebody's eye ball while trapping them in a house with a paper shredder attached to their face.....

Yeah it is a lot but I think if you:
1. set your priorities
2. have a good plan
3. get plenty of sleep
you can accomplish anything.
SPOILER SPACE.................................... below

Well just got back from seeing it and I wasn't dissappointed in the least, it certainly had its fair ammount of blood.

there was a really intense Craniotomy, performed on Jigsaw I would say that was one of the better scenes in the movie if your a gorehound like me.

The pace of the movie didn't feel like a Saw movie, I liked the change and I would rank this one above Saw 2, but preferred the orginal.

And from what I saw there will be a 4 coming.

Overall I liked it a lot it wasn't a must see movie, but if your a Saw fan you need to see this movie.
just a question for the fans.

Does anyone else have a problem with the amount of time and resources that would be required to torture people the way this guy does?

I have a hard enough time trying to balance my check book, let alone working the logistics of how I could bury a key in somebody's eye ball while trapping them in a house with a paper shredder attached to their face.....

Well....if he's killing a ton of people, maybe he's also not paying bills...? :dunno:
Well....if he's killing a ton of people, maybe he's also not paying bills...? :dunno:

it's like spending $10,000 to get revenge on that Burger King cashier for shorting you $0.50. Why torture, when you could just burn a mofo alive? Probably wouldn't make a real good movie, though, and Wahlberg might be forced to actually learn how to be an actor....

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