Spoiler Spoiler Thread: Avengers Infinity War (1 Viewer)

As a former comic book collector, and MCU fanboy here, I really hated the movie. The portrayal of Thanos was the saving grace of the film. I love what they did with his character. It was too much action crammed into one movie. They had to tie in so many superheroes and divide the screentime evenly, it felt very patchworked. I would have rather seen it split into a couple of movies. The deaths at the end felt temporary, short-lived, and unemotional, unlike Loki's death at the beginning that had a sense of meaning. Thor and Peter Parker were great too, but I really thought the incessant action gave plot and character development a back seat. Overall, too much cgi fighting and not enough story for me. I never paid any attention to captain marvel or the guardians of the galaxy when I collected comic books, so it is refreshing to see these characters being used in ways I never read about.

On another note, the Venom trailer has me stoked for the future of Spidey. I hope marvel looks into adapting Secret Wars for their next mega superhero tie in for cinematic inspiration.
I also agree with Tony stark's suit becoming ridiculous at this point, but it is where they had to go for him to be able to hold court against Thanos.
In the past few weeks I've started to have this sinking feeling they're going to botch Captain Marvel's place in the MCU. All this talk about how she's the most powerful and will be the MCU torchbearer going forward just gives me real...I dunno, Poochie vibes. Just throwing this new character into the mix that suddenly will be the center of everything and is being pitched as the end all, be all and all she'll have between then and now is one movie, which will be an origin story...they're selling her so hard that it almost feels like they're preparing us for how big a Deus Ex Machina she's going to be. I hate the term Mary Sue and believe it's overused, but the way they're talking about her really does have these "Well, she's the best and better than everybody and the strongest and most powerful and she will save everyone and then be the focus of what we do after that," and...that's kinda textbook Mary Sue.

It probably doesn't help that in my two and a half decades of reading comics, I can't think of a single Carol Danvers story that did anything other than bore me to death.

Hopefully I'm wrong. I just find all the upselling on the character really weird and rather un-Feige like.

Consider me also not a fan of Capt. Marvel. Marvel Comics have been trying to push her for years as a major character and it always seems to fail IMO, especially since the change from Ms. Marvel to Capt. Marvel.
In the past few weeks I've started to have this sinking feeling they're going to botch Captain Marvel's place in the MCU. All this talk about how she's the most powerful and will be the MCU torchbearer going forward just gives me real...I dunno, Poochie vibes. Just throwing this new character into the mix that suddenly will be the center of everything and is being pitched as the end all, be all and all she'll have between then and now is one movie, which will be an origin story...they're selling her so hard that it almost feels like they're preparing us for how big a Deus Ex Machina she's going to be. I hate the term Mary Sue and believe it's overused, but the way they're talking about her really does have these "Well, she's the best and better than everybody and the strongest and most powerful and she will save everyone and then be the focus of what we do after that," and...that's kinda textbook Mary Sue.

It probably doesn't help that in my two and a half decades of reading comics, I can't think of a single Carol Danvers story that did anything other than bore me to death.

Hopefully I'm wrong. I just find all the upselling on the character really weird and rather un-Feige like.

I only ever knew Danvers as the lady Rogue put in a coma.
I only ever knew Danvers as the lady Rogue put in a coma.

Lately, she's been criticized for trying to bait Thanos to earth, which led to the death of War Machine in Civil War II (read at your own risk). She's also been criticized for condoning Hawkeye killing Bruce Banner in Civil War II (again, read at your own risk)... and killing Tony Stark... and being ostracized by most of her best friends, including Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, you name it.

Now, Marvel has decided she's important enough to wield one of the Infinity Stones (WHY!?!?).
Lately, she's been criticized for trying to bait Thanos to earth, which led to the death of War Machine in Civil War II (read at your own risk). She's also been criticized for condoning Hawkeye killing Bruce Banner in Civil War II (again, read at your own risk)... and killing Tony Stark... and being ostracized by most of her best friends, including Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, you name it.

Now, Marvel has decided she's important enough to wield one of the Infinity Stones (WHY!?!?).

Because they likely aren't using the recent version of her in the comics.. and weren't they trying to down play mutants and supers, except for the Inhumans? I feel like the comics just lost their way recently. I actually stopped reading around 7 years ago. Somewhere along the way when Scott Summers and others got part of the Phoenix Force and he went mad and they basically made him evil. I just got sick of them twisting everyone and sloppy story telling.

My guess is.. wait for it.. they're going to make her evil in the comics? Seems to be the twist they're doing for everyone.

But the version in the movies would likely be pre Rogue mental damage... because, Rogue doesn't exactly exist.
Because they likely aren't using the recent version of her in the comics.. and weren't they trying to down play mutants and supers, except for the Inhumans? I feel like the comics just lost their way recently. I actually stopped reading around 7 years ago. Somewhere along the way when Scott Summers and others got part of the Phoenix Force and he went mad and they basically made him evil. I just got sick of them twisting everyone and sloppy story telling.

My guess is.. wait for it.. they're going to make her evil in the comics? Seems to be the twist they're doing for everyone.

But the version in the movies would likely be pre Rogue mental damage... because, Rogue doesn't exactly exist.

Marvel's comics have definitely lost their way badly. And it's not just the "SJWs are ruining everything!" nonsense so many fall back on. Look at how they set the stage for a reboot with All New, All Different Marvel a couple of years ago and then...didn't actually reboot. At all. Like they did this big huge story about how the fundamental nature of the universe/multiverse had changed and set the stage for a clean slate and then did nothing with it. They're just an editorial mess. There's no guiding hand, no direction. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

As to Ms/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, a lot of her recent being pushed down everyone's throat is do to Marvel's weird obsession with Tumblr. And I don't mean that in some metaphorical or abstract way, I mean for a while there Marvel was really obsessed with Tumblr. There was an ardent (some would say militant) group of Ms/Captain Marvel fans on Tumblr who called themselves the Carol Corps. They were obsessed with Carol Danvers, and created this really massive echo chamber that led Marvel to believe they were sitting on a gold mine with Ms/Captain Marvel. They were highly organized, would show up to cons en masse in various Captain Marvel cosplay, launched "Girls Night" events at comic shops, etc. It looked like they were a truly massive movement (seriously, I remember at their peak they seemed omnipresent on any comics related site, forum, etc.) so Marvel gave her a new solo series, switched from Ms to Captain Marvel, and started putting her front and center in more crossover stories, etc.. Basically they decided to make her a big time player and invested a lot in hyping her up.

So what ended up happening? The books sales were TERRIBLE. By the time it was cancelled it was selling around 19,000 issues a month and was coming it at like the 115th spot on Diamond's sales charts. And the sales had been in the dumpster for a long time before it got cancelled (it had an almost two year run), but there were reports that Marvel was literally afraid to cancel the book despite it being an abysmal seller because they feared reprisal from the Carol Corps (I did say some thought they were militant. That wasn't an unearned reputation, necessarily.) Hell, Kelly Sue DeConnick (the book's writer) own indie comic, birch Planet, was outselling Captain Marvel by the end, and pretty heartily. It was a disaster.

Since then, they kept her in the spotlight when they could and brought back a legacy numbered series in December that I don't think has been lighting the world on fire. The lesson, though, was that they misinterpreted a very vocal but small fanbase on a self contained platform as indicating broader appeal, went all in on it, and it failed badly. They basically (to use wrestling parlance) strapped the rocket to Carol Danvers as a character because she was getting really loud pops from one section in the arena. But nobody else cared.

And as to the Carol Corps themselves, from my understanding they basically collapsed into infighting, accusations of racism, gatekeeping on the character, etc. after their peak and generally lost steam. And after the sales collapse of Captain Marvel, Marvel was done trying to curry favor with them. I guess they still exist in name technically but no one pays any attention anymore, and the days of them mattering are well over and done with. You're not seeing Carol Corps meetings at your LCS anymore.
Because they likely aren't using the recent version of her in the comics.. and weren't they trying to down play mutants and supers, except for the Inhumans? I feel like the comics just lost their way recently. I actually stopped reading around 7 years ago. Somewhere along the way when Scott Summers and others got part of the Phoenix Force and he went mad and they basically made him evil. I just got sick of them twisting everyone and sloppy story telling.

My guess is.. wait for it.. they're going to make her evil in the comics? Seems to be the twist they're doing for everyone.

But the version in the movies would likely be pre Rogue mental damage... because, Rogue doesn't exactly exist.

You're right. Comics did lose their way. DC has been getting things on track pretty well. Marvel OTOH... :idunno:
Lately, she's been criticized for trying to bait Thanos to earth, which led to the death of War Machine in Civil War II (read at your own risk). She's also been criticized for condoning Hawkeye killing Bruce Banner in Civil War II (again, read at your own risk)... and killing Tony Stark... and being ostracized by most of her best friends, including Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, you name it.

Now, Marvel has decided she's important enough to wield one of the Infinity Stones (WHY!?!?).
typically you want to put the spoilers warnings BEFORE the actual spoilers
typically you want to put the spoilers warnings BEFORE the actual spoilers

Uhhhhhh... I'm talking comics. Civil War II is almost two years old and she came into possession of one of the stones at least a month ago.
Since then, they kept her in the spotlight when they could and brought back a legacy numbered series in December that I don't think has been lighting the world on fire. The lesson, though, was that they misinterpreted a very vocal but small fanbase on a self contained platform as indicating broader appeal, went all in on it, and it failed badly. They basically (to use wrestling parlance) strapped the rocket to Carol Danvers as a character because she was getting really loud pops from one section in the arena. But nobody else cared.

She was Roman Reigns? :hihi:
Marvel's comics have definitely lost their way badly. And it's not just the "SJWs are ruining everything!" nonsense so many fall back on. Look at how they set the stage for a reboot with All New, All Different Marvel a couple of years ago and then...didn't actually reboot. At all. Like they did this big huge story about how the fundamental nature of the universe/multiverse had changed and set the stage for a clean slate and then did nothing with it. They're just an editorial mess. There's no guiding hand, no direction. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

As to Ms/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, a lot of her recent being pushed down everyone's throat is do to Marvel's weird obsession with Tumblr. And I don't mean that in some metaphorical or abstract way, I mean for a while there Marvel was really obsessed with Tumblr. There was an ardent (some would say militant) group of Ms/Captain Marvel fans on Tumblr who called themselves the Carol Corps. They were obsessed with Carol Danvers, and created this really massive echo chamber that led Marvel to believe they were sitting on a gold mine with Ms/Captain Marvel. They were highly organized, would show up to cons en masse in various Captain Marvel cosplay, launched "Girls Night" events at comic shops, etc. It looked like they were a truly massive movement (seriously, I remember at their peak they seemed omnipresent on any comics related site, forum, etc.) so Marvel gave her a new solo series, switched from Ms to Captain Marvel, and started putting her front and center in more crossover stories, etc.. Basically they decided to make her a big time player and invested a lot in hyping her up.

So what ended up happening? The books sales were TERRIBLE. By the time it was cancelled it was selling around 19,000 issues a month and was coming it at like the 115th spot on Diamond's sales charts. And the sales had been in the dumpster for a long time before it got cancelled (it had an almost two year run), but there were reports that Marvel was literally afraid to cancel the book despite it being an abysmal seller because they feared reprisal from the Carol Corps (I did say some thought they were militant. That wasn't an unearned reputation, necessarily.) Hell, Kelly Sue DeConnick (the book's writer) own indie comic, birch Planet, was outselling Captain Marvel by the end, and pretty heartily. It was a disaster.

Since then, they kept her in the spotlight when they could and brought back a legacy numbered series in December that I don't think has been lighting the world on fire. The lesson, though, was that they misinterpreted a very vocal but small fanbase on a self contained platform as indicating broader appeal, went all in on it, and it failed badly. They basically (to use wrestling parlance) strapped the rocket to Carol Danvers as a character because she was getting really loud pops from one section in the arena. But nobody else cared.

And as to the Carol Corps themselves, from my understanding they basically collapsed into infighting, accusations of racism, gatekeeping on the character, etc. after their peak and generally lost steam. And after the sales collapse of Captain Marvel, Marvel was done trying to curry favor with them. I guess they still exist in name technically but no one pays any attention anymore, and the days of them mattering are well over and done with. You're not seeing Carol Corps meetings at your LCS anymore.

I love when you talk about comics, I'm always learning something.
Marvel's comics have definitely lost their way badly. And it's not just the "SJWs are ruining everything!" nonsense so many fall back on. Look at how they set the stage for a reboot with All New, All Different Marvel a couple of years ago and then...didn't actually reboot. At all. Like they did this big huge story about how the fundamental nature of the universe/multiverse had changed and set the stage for a clean slate and then did nothing with it. They're just an editorial mess. There's no guiding hand, no direction. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

As to Ms/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, a lot of her recent being pushed down everyone's throat is do to Marvel's weird obsession with Tumblr. And I don't mean that in some metaphorical or abstract way, I mean for a while there Marvel was really obsessed with Tumblr. There was an ardent (some would say militant) group of Ms/Captain Marvel fans on Tumblr who called themselves the Carol Corps. They were obsessed with Carol Danvers, and created this really massive echo chamber that led Marvel to believe they were sitting on a gold mine with Ms/Captain Marvel. They were highly organized, would show up to cons en masse in various Captain Marvel cosplay, launched "Girls Night" events at comic shops, etc. It looked like they were a truly massive movement (seriously, I remember at their peak they seemed omnipresent on any comics related site, forum, etc.) so Marvel gave her a new solo series, switched from Ms to Captain Marvel, and started putting her front and center in more crossover stories, etc.. Basically they decided to make her a big time player and invested a lot in hyping her up.

So what ended up happening? The books sales were TERRIBLE. By the time it was cancelled it was selling around 19,000 issues a month and was coming it at like the 115th spot on Diamond's sales charts. And the sales had been in the dumpster for a long time before it got cancelled (it had an almost two year run), but there were reports that Marvel was literally afraid to cancel the book despite it being an abysmal seller because they feared reprisal from the Carol Corps (I did say some thought they were militant. That wasn't an unearned reputation, necessarily.) Hell, Kelly Sue DeConnick (the book's writer) own indie comic, birch Planet, was outselling Captain Marvel by the end, and pretty heartily. It was a disaster.

Since then, they kept her in the spotlight when they could and brought back a legacy numbered series in December that I don't think has been lighting the world on fire. The lesson, though, was that they misinterpreted a very vocal but small fanbase on a self contained platform as indicating broader appeal, went all in on it, and it failed badly. They basically (to use wrestling parlance) strapped the rocket to Carol Danvers as a character because she was getting really loud pops from one section in the arena. But nobody else cared.

And as to the Carol Corps themselves, from my understanding they basically collapsed into infighting, accusations of racism, gatekeeping on the character, etc. after their peak and generally lost steam. And after the sales collapse of Captain Marvel, Marvel was done trying to curry favor with them. I guess they still exist in name technically but no one pays any attention anymore, and the days of them mattering are well over and done with. You're not seeing Carol Corps meetings at your LCS anymore.

I feel like I'm reading an actual comic story line... so meta

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