Sporcle College Helmet Quiz (1 Viewer)

All of them with 4:20 remaining :mwink:

who thinks they can beat that

EDIT: took it again and finished with 4:26 remaining

<LINK href="style/game.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><STYLE type=text/css>table.data{ font-size:8pt;}table.data td{ font-size:8pt;}table.data th{ font-size:9pt;}div.d_name{ background-color:#226; color:#FFF; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt;}div.d_value{ padding:0px; margin: 0px auto; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;}div.d_extra{ width:100px; height:100px; background:url('images/678.png'); margin:0 auto;}div.char_box{ width:130px; height:130px; text-align:center; float:left; border-bottom:1px solid #666; border-right:1px solid #666; cursor:pointer;}div#currgamename{ width:120px; height:104px; float:left; border:2px solid #300; padding:2px;}ul.instructions{ font-size:8pt; font-style:italic; text-align:left;}div.boxactive{ background-color:#FC6; color:#FFF;}div.wrong{ color:#FF0000;}</STYLE><SCRIPT src="includes/gtime.js?ver=2" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="includes/entry2.js?ver=2" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--var gameID = 678; /* This it to remove parts of the guess and answer that are extraneous */ function cleanResponse(guess) { /* First remove any characters we don't care about */ guess = guess.replace(/[\-\'\.\,\!\?\:\;\`]/g, " "); /* Second go through the words and remove words that we don't care about (usually articles) */ var stripAtoms = new Array( "the", "and", "a", "university", "of", "at"); parts = guess.split(" "); var newGuess = ""; parts.each(function(token){ if (stripAtoms.indexOf(token) == -1) { newGuess+=token; } }); return newGuess; } function checkSpecialCase(guess, answerTry) { var retVal = false; /* if (answerTry.search("/") != -1) */ { answerTries = answerTry.split("/"); answerTries.each(function(token){ token = token.replace("|", "/"); if (cleanResponse(token) == cleanResponse(guess)) { retVal = true; } }); } return retVal; } function getReckoning(numRight) { resultpart = "See the most missed!"; if (numRight == answers.length) rightpart = "You got ALL "+numRight+" teams by their helmets (Division I). "; else rightpart = "You got "+numRight+" out of "+answers.length+" teams by their helmets (Division I). "; if (hidden.length) { hMissed = (hidden.length - hfound.length); if (hMissed == 0) rightpart += "
You got all the Bonus Answer"; else rightpart += "
You missed "+hMissed+" Bonus Answer"; if (hMissed == 1) rightpart += "."; else rightpart += "s."; } repeatpart = " Or Email this game."; repeatpart += " Or play again."; return rightpart+"
"+resultpart+repeatpart; } function showMissed() { var logging = ""; numRight = 0; for(var x=0;x<answers.length;x++) { if (found.indexOf(x) == -1) { logging += "0"; Element.addClassName("slot"+x, "wrong"); showAnswer("slot"+x, x); } else { logging += "1"; numRight++; } } $('enterbox').innerHTML = getReckoning(numRight); if (window.showmissedhidden) { showmissedhidden(); } runFinished(logging); pickSlot(); } function include(filename) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = filename; script.type = 'text/javascript'; head.appendChild(script) } include('/games/jsanswers.php?g='+gameID); function getAnswer(slotNum) { if (slotNum >= answers.length) thisSlot = hidden[slotNum-answers.length]; else thisSlot = answers[slotNum]; slash = thisSlot.search("/"); if (slash != -1) { thisSlot = thisSlot.slice(0, slash); } slotinfo = thisSlot; return slotinfo; } function customInit() { } function showAnswer(answerSlot, answer) { $(answerSlot).innerHTML = getAnswer(answer); $(answerSlot).show(); new Effect.Highlight(answerSlot, {startcolor:'#FFCB05' }); } var currGuessing=-1; function checkGameInput(field, e) { if(field.value.length>1) { currGuess = field.value.toLowerCase(); i=currGuessing; if (checkSpecialCase(currGuess, answers.toLowerCase())) { if (found.indexOf(i) == -1) { slotbox = "slot"+i; found[found.length]=i; showAnswer(slotbox, i); if ($('correctnum')) $('correctnum').innerHTML = found.length; count++; field.value=""; pickSlot(); } } else if (cleanup(currGuess)) field.value=""; } else { if(field.value==" ") field.value=""; if (e) { var keyHit = window.event ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; if (keyHit == 13) { pickSlot(); return false; } } } } function pickSlot(slot) { if (currGuessing != -1) { Element.removeClassName("slot"+currGuessing, "valueactive"); if ($('name'+currGuessing)) Element.removeClassName("name"+currGuessing, "nameactive"); if ($('box'+currGuessing)) Element.removeClassName("box"+currGuessing, "boxactive"); } if (found.length == answers.length) return; if (!$('currgamename')) return; if (slot) { if (currGuessing == -1) { javascript:startGame(5); } guessCheck = $(slot).id.slice(4); if (found.indexOf(guessCheck) == -1) currGuessing = guessCheck; } else { currGuessing++; while(found.indexOf(currGuessing) != -1) {currGuessing++;} if (currGuessing == answers.length) { for (var i=0;i<answers.length;i++) { if (found.indexOf(i) == -1) { currGuessing = i; break; } } } } if ($('extra')) { guessInfo = $("extra"+currGuessing).innerHTML; } else { if ($('name'+currGuessing)) guessInfo = $("name"+currGuessing).innerHTML; else guessInfo = ""; } if ($('currgamename')) { $('currgamename').innerHTML = guessInfo; } Element.addClassName("slot"+currGuessing, "valueactive"); if ($('name'+currGuessing)) Element.addClassName("name"+currGuessing, "nameactive"); if ($('box'+currGuessing)) Element.addClassName("box"+currGuessing, "boxactive"); $('gameinput').focus(); $('gameinput').value = ""; if(typeof pickSlotCustom=='function') { pickSlotCustom(currGuessing); } } //--></SCRIPT>
<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>

24/24 3:54 left. I wish I would've known that you could use abbrievations, like ASU or Vandy.
24/24 with 3:10 remaining. New Mexico threw me for a bit. I knew it was the Lobos but I didn't realize you could put in the nickname at first.
I had all but one done in under a minute, and then wasted about 90 seconds trying to figure out New Mexico. :mad:. Had 2:23 left when I finished.
24/24 3:43, I kept getting thrown off by hitting enter after typing and it would skip to the next one.

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