The All Good Things Thread (1 Viewer)

Ima come to NOLA and find you to go drink beer. All I need to do is walk around the Quarter asking "where's that dancer-looking dude named Guido?" I mean, what could possibly go wrong???

On a personal note, yesterday I was offered and accepted a new job with a home health company as their area sales rep. When they told me my salary/commission package, I almost fell over. 20K+ more than I'm making now. It's a very positive move, since I have no love lost at all for my current employer. I'll miss my coworkers, the facility staff and my patients, but it's time for a change. 18 years as a therapist is long enough.

My goal now is to try not to be a dick as I write up my letter of resignation.

Its been a true season of change. 22-year marriage-kaput, 14-year-old car-kaput, job-kaput. In a manner of speaking, both the car and the marriage had been in the bonus round for several years. My ex and I get along better living in separate houses and neither of us is inclined toward another relationship. I've got a new (used) car that brings back some of the driving experience lost in a Prius. The job change really needed to happen, so good riddance to my soon-to-be ex-employer.

I've documented here on SR some of my recent struggles, but this really feels like a pivotal moment. There is always reason for optimism. Sometimes we have to be patient as it comes to us, or dig a bit deeper to find it.

Apologies for the longish post. Great thread btw.
That’s great news
Ima come to NOLA and find you to go drink beer. All I need to do is walk around the Quarter asking "where's that dancer-looking dude named Guido?" I mean, what could possibly go wrong???

On a personal note, yesterday I was offered and accepted a new job with a home health company as their area sales rep. When they told me my salary/commission package, I almost fell over. 20K+ more than I'm making now. It's a very positive move, since I have no love lost at all for my current employer. I'll miss my coworkers, the facility staff and my patients, but it's time for a change. 18 years as a therapist is long enough.

My goal now is to try not to be a dick as I write up my letter of resignation.

Its been a true season of change. 22-year marriage-kaput, 14-year-old car-kaput, job-kaput. In a manner of speaking, both the car and the marriage had been in the bonus round for several years. My ex and I get along better living in separate houses and neither of us is inclined toward another relationship. I've got a new (used) car that brings back some of the driving experience lost in a Prius. The job change really needed to happen, so good riddance to my soon-to-be ex-employer.

I've documented here on SR some of my recent struggles, but this really feels like a pivotal moment. There is always reason for optimism. Sometimes we have to be patient as it comes to us, or dig a bit deeper to find it.

Apologies for the longish post. Great thread btw.
I have a draft ready for you. You just need to buy the card.

I have a draft ready for you. You just need to buy the card.

I left my major dance job under trying circumstances
The boss was a Romantic Poetry scholar in school
So I just sent him Ozymandius as my letter of resignation

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Here's a good thing. This dog is being named after my nephew. First one I've heard of, but apparently he's had some babies named after him.

I wanted to "share" this from Face book but I can't do it directly from Leashes of Valor, so I copied and pasted from the friend's page where I saw it:

"Welcome to the Darkhorse Family, Leashes of Valor Donnelly! Donnelly will be raised to be a service Dog for a veteran. The Official Name announcement from LOV to come soon. This Boy is named after 1st Lieutenant William James Donnelly IV of Kilo Company 3/5 KIA November 25 2010. You have a lot of support behind you. (Note: I am not raising him one of Leashes of Valor’s Experienced puppy raisers will be raising him on the East Coast)"




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