Ukraine (27 Viewers)

I can't boycott them. I would have to buy and use their products to be able to boycott them.

This creates quite a dilemma with not a reasonable outcome for me to look forward to. Occasionally someone I'm with will want to buy and use their product while I am with them.

Say I'm happy driving and someone in my car says, look a coffee shop, please stop so I can get us all some coffee.

Hey, I've got good news, I've found a solution! That personal moment with friends outweighs the minuscule difference it might possibly make in the real world if I were to vent my personal feelings in such a way that it left my friend feeling like I was being an (^*&$) to unkindly refuse a cup of coffee to sip with my friend, that they had kindly offered to me.

I will continue to graciously accept and exchange pleasantries and kibble mints with my friends, without it becoming a war time discussion with a pressure campaign being imposed upon my friends by me.
Today is the day we believe in Joe Hendry!!
Hi, I've not seen you before. Nice to meet you. In this drury war thread I've been using every opportunity to blend in a little bit of music where I can to make the day to day a bit nicer.

I noticed you passed that opportunity up, Joe Hendry sort of has something kind of like music videos available.

The more I read about EMP, the more I think that would be Russia's play if they wanted to escalate things.

If the sources are correct, they would only need a handful of very high altitude (like LEO) detonations to destroy the power grid in the lower 48. There would be no warning. So they could use satellites for that. Do we really know whats on those satellites?
Not unless they were forced at gunpoint. I'm not sure how many of those there are

I realize surrender is not exactly easy, because UKR drone operators are basically KOS'ing these days. There's supposed to be a hotline, not sure how realistic it is. RuAF do seem to be able to get their hands on cell phones.
They have taken thousands of Russians prisoner already and have had a few prisoner exchanges, so presumably, they are giving the enemy a chance to surrender in the right circumstances. Even that is risky because there have been cases of Russian soldiers basically suiciding themselves to try and take others with him. I don't envy any of them.
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That's a fairly significant flair-off of excess gas. I question the reports use of language. An underground storage field did not explode.

What happened at worst is an above ground pipe broke and it's flaring-off in a spot that doesn't look too bad for that to be happening there. It's in an open place and it's green around there. (They will pretend that is what happened.)

The best case is they were forced to release a small amount of excess gas to manage the safe storage of a lot of gas. If gas is being produced and not enough of it is being sold they either need to shut down some production and / or flair off excess gas when the storage capacity they have becomes overly full. Sometimes they get caught by surprize and need to do both to prevent a larger problem.

Usually, (as they did it in the past,) if they need to flair off gas on a regular basis they will build a fair off tower to get the fire up off of the ground where it can spread by burning trees and things. I remember when they did that in the USA. (those kind of business practices are no longer allowed in the US.)

I remember there being a constant flair-off of unusable gas at a refinery near Ogden Utah which was comparable in size to that surface fire I see in these videos. There it was a case of the oil they were refining being loaded with a very poisonous gas. They were separating that unusable gas from the usable and then were destroying it by burning it in the open atmosphere.

That was a gross abuse for them to conduct their business like that. I also remember always rolling up the windows in the car because I hated the stench of that place.
The more I read about EMP, the more I think that would be Russia's play if they wanted to escalate things.

If the sources are correct, they would only need a handful of very high altitude (like LEO) detonations to destroy the power grid in the lower 48. There would be no warning. So they could use satellites for that. Do we really know whats on those satellites?
I would NOT expect those sources to be correct.

Yes EMP pulses can be created and do exist. A lighting bolt is the best natural example of that. Years ago I do remember unshielded electronics failing momentarily whenever a lighting pulse was too close.

I even remember an old (50's) GMC truck I was driving having it's engine knocked out by a bolt that hit a tree right beside the truck as I was going past.

The engine quit and the lights went out, it coasted to a stop. I turned off the light switch and then turned off the engine ignition as well. Allowed it to sit for a bit for the battery to regroup, and then restarted everything, and went on my way.

The thing is it's been years since I've seen anything even somewhat new that does not have sufficient shielding to manage any EMP pulses a nuclear bomb going off in the high atmosphere will produce.

BTW, 24 years ago I was about this the same way I am now over that Y2K bug thing I was expected to believe in.

For years about that I was like "nah" it will be minor thing, if a thing at all.

I was on call that Y2K day. Got one minor Y2K kind of call which came my way. A printer at a video store which was in a supermarket I was working in lost their ability to use their printer. I was there at the store working on a large refrigeration unit, and I was asked to look also at that video store printer while I was there because it being down was keeping them from doing business.

I went there and turned off the power to the whole computer system and then turned it back on. That fixed it. I didn't even mention that """repair""" on my paperwork.

I would be petrified.

Probably for a few moments the first time you experienced it you would kind of freeze while your mind worked it out.

But then you'd regain your senses and do fine. The next time if it wasn't too long since the last time, you would know what to do, so freezing like that generally only happens to a person once.

This applies to both war, and lots of other dangerous situation which are not war.
Mmm, good quality indigestion:

This is both a demonstration to invoke some sense of deterrence, while at the same time being a motivational created pressure upon our people, enticing as many as is possible, to get them to join and serve.

On edit, our Air Force is a part of this demonstration as well:

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Why is the Euromaidan press acting like pulling back to better defensible positions is painful???

It's actually a lot less painful to do that sensible thing than it is to be stubborn about where the lines are. It's better to be smart about where those lines are.

A person who is too stubborn about the overall quantity of land person gives over all possibilities there are to control that conflict with the enemy. It's wise to be concerned about the quality of the location one fights from.

Use the land for advantage, don't allow oneself be owned by that land.


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