video police abuse or not. (1 Viewer)

Det. Brees

E tan e epi tas
Jul 21, 2002
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this young lady and her cousin were involved in a fight with each other. the young lady in the video called the police and upon arrival they determined her to be the aggressor.
well she goes to jail and once at the jail all persons have to be searched. well she didnt not comply and several request.
so they take her into her cell and remove her clothing to varify she has no weapons or narcotics....
she has now filed suit.
what is your opinion...
Pretty shamefull. Even if she was arrested legitimately, still absolutely shamefull. Her clothes were removed to protect her? From what? Is a cold damp cell more safe than dangers her clothes contain?
No question this was police brutality. If the officers doing the strip search were all female the cops might have a leg to stand on. Since men were standing over here while she was being held down with handcuffs on while these guys ripped her panties off then it pretty much just leaves the cops in the wrong regardless of the reasons.

A badge gives no man the right to sexually abuse and that is what they did. If that was my wife I would want to kill them.
To me that is much more than just police brutality. I would much rather be beaten up by police than have what she had happen to her.
Stuff like this is why I would only call the cops if I thought I was in certain life threatening danger. All too often I see the person who actually called and asked for police assistance is the one who gets hauled off to jail.

Come to think of it, what where they doing taking her in over a family fight? Sounds pretty extreme to me, something tells me this isn't the first time they did this to a young girl. This was just the first time one of them was brave enough to fight back.
It did look extreme but there are two sides to every story. I guess the courts will decide.
It did look extreme but there are two sides to every story. I guess the courts will decide.

The only side I see is, "no officer of the opposite sex is allowed to be present during a strip search."
IMO every officer in the cell, male or female, should be charged with sexual assault. Some states they could even go as far as charging them all with rape. The consent certainly wasn't there, the officers clearly broke the law and there is clear video evidence. The female officers are just as guilty by participating with male officers present.
i do not know if this is the correct answer or not because i was not there however here if your a suicide threat your clothing is romoved from you and nothing is allowed in the cell that can be used to allow someone to committ suicide.
she was asked something like has she ever harmed herself or thought of harming herself and she gave an answer that should be taken as yes....
ok that being said.
we have suicide outfits here they are given to wear.. this outfits can not be torn or tide to make rope to hang yourself. why she was not given anything like that to wear i dont know..if that had been offered to hear she may have changed willingly into it.
now there comes a time when a person is not working with the officers and they have to use force... to remove the clothing ...
i understand why somethings were done, but others i think were incorrect.... i can not see leaving her naked in a cell when i know there are outfits that can be used.
that being said i would like to hear the entire story....
There is NO DOUBT about it!! I know for a fact that opposite sex officers CAN NOT be present during a strip search!! That lady might have been humiliated... but I am sure she will be able to get over it when the 6.3 million dollar check clears...
From personal experience I'm pretty sure all they can do is pat you down. Police seem to be losing it these days. I can understand them slamming me into a wall to scare me, but this is just insane. Surprised they didn't tase her.

At least it wasn't the Spanish Guardia. They, more than likely, would've raped her. All around the age of sixty.
That just made my skin crawl...

if 2 men took my old lady and did that to her, i would kill them... no if's ands or but's... they just basically raped her.....

i mean what the crap, AND SHE WAS THE VICTIM in the first place... that just made me sick to my stomach, seems like every week there is video coming out of cops beating people, assaulting people... and this is just the stuff they catch on video, this stuff happens all the time...

My mother got arrested for a DWI, for taking persciptions pain medication (that was persciped to her for her back) and when they arrested her they treated her the same way, there is no video of course to prove any of it, but when they released her she has bruises all over and looked like she was beat...a 200 plus pound lesbian stripped her naked, then proceeded to hit her over and over again until she went limp...

THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME, if they wouldn't have been video taping it, it woulda been much worse!!
She was resisting. If she had injured herself while in custody, they would be blaming the police for that. The situation could have been handled differently without a doubt. But, the persons saftey and the officers saftey comes first. None of the male officers touched her inappropriately. If the female officers on duty were unable to subdue the woman, as they clearly weren't, the male officers were correct in helping. You just don't let them battle it out. That being said, if it were my wife or relative, I would be on the news and suing. That doen't make me right. It's me taking advantage of my rights as an American.
Like southland said.. that was NOT a strip search. They asked her if she wanted to hurt herself & she said yes & continued to be combative. That was a special response team that was called in to keep her from hurting herself or any other officers since she wouldn't quit fighting them. I don't know if that procedure was handled correctly or not, all I'm saying is that it was not a strip search.

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