SOOOOOOO GOOD to have a TEAM which can give us Ten or more wins in a season! This has had the makings of a dynasty and it's proving to be.
Congratulations SAINTS and SAINTS FANS! THIS feels GREAT!
(After the N.E. game last season a Pats fan told me to get ready for a good ride as he recognized The SAINTS STRENGTH after we demolished his team)
NOW, on to Post Season to really shine as The SAINTS head for yet ANOTHER Post Season, NFC Championship and SUPERBOWL VICTORY! Can you say DYNASTY?
Yeah You RIGHT!
Congratulations SAINTS and SAINTS FANS! THIS feels GREAT!
(After the N.E. game last season a Pats fan told me to get ready for a good ride as he recognized The SAINTS STRENGTH after we demolished his team)
NOW, on to Post Season to really shine as The SAINTS head for yet ANOTHER Post Season, NFC Championship and SUPERBOWL VICTORY! Can you say DYNASTY?
Yeah You RIGHT!