What’s wrong with you guys? (3 Viewers)

So much whining , we are one play from being 3-1 if not 4-0 (when carr got injuries ), they will find their stride it’s a long season , chill pill, it’s like you have never watched football. Mind you carr is new to team and chemistry is stills developing .
This reminds me of the Haslett quote. We were 7 plays away on the year from being in the Super Bowl. Except those plays happened and those plays became 7 losses. You have to make the play that wins it; not talk about the play that we lost on and think we are better than we are.
Spoiler alert: people don't like it when their favorite teams lose. :hihi:
Do they have to burn it down at 2-2???
Our fans are spoiled and soft.

They lack the grit of the hopeless optimism that fans had in my youth.

Now they just want arcade type scores, double digit wins every week or else it’s “fire everyone”
You answered the question I asked above.
I’m not saying we don’t have plenty of room for improvement, but the incessant arguments about Winston or Hill should be starting over Carr, and daily multiple threads and posts to fire the offensive coordinator and head coach are exhausting and ridiculous.

We have it better than a lot of other fans, and these things take time to gel.

We have come a long way from the aints and bagheads, but so many of us are act petulant and whiny and it’s exhausting.
This 1,000%!!!
Imagine being a fan of the Texans, Jets, Jaguars, Bears, Lions, Browns, Cardinals, or Raiders the past decade or so. The only way to have suffered more misery would to have been a lifelong Falcons fan.
I remember the dome patrol days of 9-6 wins off 3 Morten Andersen field goals.

I was ecstatic to have a chance to limp into the playoffs

Now we want to blow up a .500 team because we don’t like where the offense, who has been without its best player, has been doing.

Just seems reactionary and impatient to this old man.
We now live in a world of instant gratification and lack of patience, where optimism gets shut down immediately.
It's fair to be frustrated with the way things are going right now because so much of it is just poor leadership and it feels like we are wasting a good roster and another season.

That being said, the GameDay forum whining is spilling into the main forum and it's getting a little out of hand.
No doubt about it. Every positive thread gets overrun with negative posters and it's almost impossible to have them see reasons for optimism, even when given facts that support it.
Worth noting: you can't be one play away from being 4-0 when your record is 2-2.
You can if you bundle them!
We have also faced a lot of injuries, our RB has been injuried , oline has not become cohesive yet , receivers and defense have balled out, Carr will be good, you guys just need to chill and come back at end of season to this thread to eat crow
Out of curiosity.. How long have you been a Saints fan?
There's nothing wrong with our fans that a couple of wins in a row won't fix.

This team has swagger in the preseason games, funny how it died. We need swagger and an offensive spark from our QB, 1 of our RBs, or WRs to give our defense hope. Carr is flat right now, and my worst fears are growing. If he wakes up and throws some accurate passes, this funk will end as quickly as it started.
Our fans are spoiled and soft.

They lack the grit of the hopeless optimism that fans had in my youth.

Now they just want arcade type scores, double digit wins every week or else it’s “fire everyone”

Couldn't disagree more. I've been watching the Saints and been a fan since 1970 (I was 6), been through it all.....

My observation is that it took forever but Benson finally found a HC that was driven not just to make the Saints "respectable" but actually have a chance to win it all.....which we did....once....and likely should have again had it not been for......that little incident that made me not care as much about the NFL....period.....

That said, Saints fans finally saw what a real SB winning coach looked like, he was far from perfect, but I think most feel that with him on the sideline we always had a chance, mainly because we took chances offensively, they didn't always work out but the philosophy was correct.....we know what a good coaching staff looks like.....this staff thus far has been the polar opposite and it doesn't appear thus far this season is any different, even with a much improved roster......that feeling that we always have a chance is long gone, now it's how few points are we going to score this week?

Could that change? Well, never say never.....but why should fans be content with an owner/GM/coaching staff mismanaging their team? If that's being a good fan then I guess I'm an awful one.....
I’m not saying we don’t have plenty of room for improvement, but the incessant arguments about Winston or Hill should be starting over Carr, and daily multiple threads and posts to fire the offensive coordinator and head coach are exhausting and ridiculous.

We have it better than a lot of fans, and these things take time to gel.

We have come a long way from the aints and bagheads, but so many of us are act petulant and whiny and it’s exhausting.
It’s way better than the old days. Totally agree.
And the last paragraph isn’t just related to sports fans or teams lol. Sign of the times.

And no, I’m not a boomer but I am old, get off my lawn. 😂
The Saints are unwatchable. Even in their wins…the offense is so painful that it makes you ill trying to watch. Loomis call me when you decide to field a respectable offense for a change. This has been going on too long
It's like we produce a foul smell even when we do pull out a W. I don't think we could put up 21 pts in 2 games, let alone one, due to the DA/PC pu pu platter.
2 plays from being 0-4 too.....
Right, I was about to bring this up. 2-2 is probably an accurate representation of what this team is and what we should expect going forward give or take a game.

As for the OP's question "What's wrong with you guys?" I don't know, we're sports fans on an internet forum, so I'm sure therapists would find a lot to unpack in all of our psyches.

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