What is wrong with you Conservatives? (1 Viewer)

Sep 15, 2006
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Cambridge, MA
The Neocons are turning on the Bushies:

Kenneth Adelman, another Reagan era hawk who sat on the Defence Policy Board until last year, drew attention with a 2002 commentary in the Washington Post predicting that liberating Iraq would be a "cakewalk".
He now says he hugely overestimated the abilities of the Bush team. "I just presumed that what I considered to be the most competent national security team since Truman was indeed going to be competent," Mr Adelman said.

"They turned out to be among the most incompetent teams in the postwar era. Not only did each of them, individually, have enormous flaws, but together they were deadly, dysfunctional."


Republicans are campaigning against the War.

Now Evangelical leaders are paying for male prostitutes and drugs:


Seriously, all us liberals wanted was to be different, and now you conservatives have to go ruin that also.
El Kapitan,

I didn't see any smilies in your post, so I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, cute, or whatever. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Part of the Terms of Service says to not "call out" members. This can be kind of a gray area, but necessary, especially around election times when emotions run high. We want to discuss the current events, but without the insults, etc, that lead to flame wars. Us vs. Them when we're all Saints fans.

My suggestion is for people to find a strictly political website, if they want to bellyache and complain or verbally attack other Americans based on labels. The purpose of THIS website is to give Saints fans a place to discuss topics amongst Saints fans. So, we ask that you take care to word your posts like you would be talking in person to us - not to rile, but to make friends.
I appologize if my sarcasm was not explicit. The purpose of the thread was to joke about the typical Liberal and Conservative stereotypes in a "Daily Show" sort of way.

As to posting this on a political website, you're probably right about that, but the title of this specific board is Everything Else. I just assumed Everything Else meant anything non-Saints related.
I appologize if my sarcasm was not explicit. The purpose of the thread was to joke about the typical Liberal and Conservative stereotypes in a "Daily Show" sort of way.

As to posting this on a political website, you're probably right about that, but the title of this specific board is Everything Else. I just assumed Everything Else meant anything non-Saints related.

You got the right board for the subject and your sarcasm will likely be appreciated by many but it is impossible to to read the tone of your voice. Without smilies or using the /sarcasmoff button there is no way to distinquish the difference. If your not being sarcastic then suddenly your trolling. Just glas Sharon got to it before some of the other posters.

BTW, good stuff.
No problem. Yes, this board is for Everything Else, but the TOS still applies. And again, it's not WHAT is said, but HOW it is said. One presentation will lead to a great discussion, but the same basic thought with different wording will lead to a flame war with moderators having to get involved, PMs sent, Saints fans banned. :(

Oh, and this isn't just you, Kapitan, others here need reminders from time tl time. :)
No problem. Yes, this board is for Everything Else, but the TOS still applies. And again, it's not WHAT is said, but HOW it is said. One presentation will lead to a great discussion, but the same basic thought with different wording will lead to a flame war with moderators having to get involved, PMs sent, Saints fans banned. :(

Oh, and this isn't just you, Kapitan, others here need reminders from time tl time. :)

I don't see the issue here. It's a legitimate point he makes, and oddly enough, even the comments about solicitation of a gay prostitute futher the same point--Clinton was accused of co-opting GOP policies, and now it's almost as if the GOP has co-opted Democratic vices.

I fully understood the sarcasm of his post. How else could it be taken?
As trolling. Again, this is not about the content of the post, but the way it is presented. "Calling out" of members/groups is addressed in the TOS - for a reason.

"What is wrong with you Jews?"

"What is wrong with you Gays?"

"What is wrong with you Southerners?"

"What is wrong with you Liberals?"

Not exactly a good conversation starter, if you walk into a room of people...
Total threadjack, but Kapitan, are you affiliated with the "Defend New Orleans" crew somehow? I have bought a bunch of those shirts for me and family members. They are really cool.
I don't see the issue here. It's a legitimate point he makes, and oddly enough, even the comments about solicitation of a gay prostitute futher the same point--Clinton was accused of co-opting GOP policies, and now it's almost as if the GOP has co-opted Democratic vices.

I fully understood the sarcasm of his post. How else could it be taken?

A minister (whom we have no idea what his political stance is, believe it or not there are democratic christians) does something stupid and suddenly that means conservatives are democrats. Then some Reagan holdovers criticize bush and suddenly all conservatives are against the war?

Last time I checked i'm not getting gay prostitutes and doing drugs. Generalizations are pointless.
Breaking Free From the Left/Right Paradigm

by Le Patriote

Did you ever wonder why manufacturers market identical products under multiple brand names? For example, I recently purchased an Evinrude outboard motor only to find, after removing the cover, that it was a Suzuki outboard marketed under the Evinrude name brand. Automobile manufacturers use this marketing tactic extensively. GMC and Chevrolet frequently market essentially identical vehicles under both brand names. Ford and Dodge do the same thing. Why?......http://itrownot.blogspot.com/2006/04/breaking-free-from-leftright-paradigm.html

......This same marketing tactic is used by the two primary political parties in the United States today to create the illusion of competition and opposing values. On the surface, the two parties differentiate themselves based on some hot button issues using labels like conservative and liberal, or right and left. However, have you noticed that even though the people occupying the offices of the presidency and the house change periodically and power shifts from the democrats to the republicans, the direction of the country doesn’t really change much at all? It would seem that both political parties are really headed for the same destination. They just take slightly different routes to get there.
HOBE SOUND - Bill Clinton (right) chats before his round of golf with fellow former president George Bush (left) and golfer Greg Norman at the Medalist Golf Club Wednesday morning. (Photo by David Lane)


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What is wrong with you French symbols of revolution and Napoleonic conquest anyway?
El Kapitan,

I didn't see any smilies in your post, so I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, cute, or whatever. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Part of the Terms of Service says to not "call out" members. This can be kind of a gray area, but necessary, especially around election times when emotions run high. We want to discuss the current events, but without the insults, etc, that lead to flame wars. Us vs. Them when we're all Saints fans.

My suggestion is for people to find a strictly political website, if they want to bellyache and complain or verbally attack other Americans based on labels. The purpose of THIS website is to give Saints fans a place to discuss topics amongst Saints fans. So, we ask that you take care to word your posts like you would be talking in person to us - not to rile, but to make friends.

Just an observation, but there are many threads where specific people are "called out" and there's name calling and I don't see these type of remarks.

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