N/S - What Does a Stadium Cost These Days?

But then again so many of you all are set on building a new staduim (despite the fact that studies were actually done to suggest that re-engineered super dome could also be an option).

But I guess some of you all just want something new just to have... Go figure.

I don't think that's the majority sentiment of people on this board. I think that most of us would, all things considered, prefer to see the Superdome upgraded to better compete financially with the other stadiums in the NFL. However, the stadium issue is a real one in that the NFL and team ownership want a new stadium at some point in the near-ish future. Seeing as how 2/3 of the league either has had or is building a new staduim within the past 20 years, the Superdome is considered ancient by those standards. And with the advent of PSLs, more luxury boxes, etc. giving the league and owners more money they will use any excuse necessary to call for a new stadium.....and if a certain area/region patently refuses to build a newer stadium, well let's say that NFL teams (and this one in particular) aren't afraid to pull the "relocation" card to basically hold cities and their fans/taxbases hostage to get what they want.

All told, I believe all of us Saints fans want to see the Saints remain in New Orleans, and for that to be possible for the next 20 to 30 years a new stadium will have to be built to sate the NFL and Benson.