Law School

Just thought I'd let y'all know my decision.

I'm going to Tulane.

It will be a little more expensive because LSU gave me a scholarship, but we're not talking about a whole lot in the long run because LSU requires you to go an extra semester, and I probably would have gone to the LSU France program.

In the end, the opportunity to be in New Orleans was pretty much the biggest factor, especially after Katrina with all of the opportunities for public service through the law school. It's also a huge judicial center, with every court save the US Supreme Court.

My ability to place highly in my class probably won't differ at either LSU or Tulane, since my problem tends to be laziness rather than being outperformed.

Another factor was the professionalism I saw at Tulane. Their career development office was really impressive, and the opportunity to work (paid) during my first summer was enticing.

Finally, Tulane beat LSU handily this year in the La. bar passage rate (by 8 points I think). I'm not really concerned about the bar, or rather concerned enough to make my decision based on bar passage rates, but apparently there is a big rivalry. Take that, LSU.

In the end, it came down to quality of life for me. LSU is a great school and I was all set to go there, but I just think there are more opportunities (even for someone who wants to practice in Louisiana, specifically Lafayette) at Tulane.

Well, the better decision would have been to not go to law school at all :hihi: , but Tulane is a fine school.

Anyway, if your issue was being able to work for pay your first summer, you can do that at LSU. Several people I know clerked at New Orleans firms and went to Loyola Summer School or they clerked at a Baton Rouge firm.

But, you are right about the quality of the LSU career development office. It's better now than it was when I was there, but it still isn't good.

Finally, as an LSU Law grad, I'm embarrassed at the level of the bar passage rate. LSU won that by many percentage points for many years in a row. But, at some point, LSU moved to more kind and gentle teaching method. That really hurt the standards and bar passage rate. But, you are right, that rate is really irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Your enemy in law school and passing the bar will be personal laziness. I know this well since I was the same way in law school. But, I passed the bar on the first shot so I'm sure you will to no matter what school you go to.