Study Links 45,000 U.S. Deaths a year to lack of Insurance

This just in...Life reports that everyone with insurance...dies.

I'm amazed and disappointed!!!!!!!

It took three pages for someone to point out the obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Short story-

Have a good friend who lost his wife some six years ago due to an aneurism. She had been having pains, but was one of those people who refused to go to the Dr. for anything. The last time she had been to the Dr. was over thirty years ago when she had a baby. He had full coverage insurance, but she still refused to go. She died at home when the aneurism burst. She was only 56 years old.

I know others like her who also have medical coverage, but won't take advantage of it.

I am in favor of some type of change in the insurance coverage issue, but to state that people are dying simply cause they don't have insurance is kind of a stretch.