the VG board football thread

No, F2.

I like how so many people in F2 cry about how "emotionless" Saints players are and how they "need to show passion", then when someone on a different team shows some raw emotion those same people get immensely butthurt.

F2 in general makes any Saints loss bearable because of how many people go full mtar in there.

I happily made fun of Sherman on Twitter and such, but I didn't think what he said was bad. I just felt bad for Erin Andrews, since he basically scared her. Loved how Strahan ribbed him for it. I just think he needs to send Erin a lil sorry note and maybe give her a hug. I'll do it for him ;)

You Mad Bro?

But about passion. I love passion during a game. And I know it was seconds after the game, but control yourself during an interview. I know it's hard, but we ask Athletes to do that every day. That's why they are the best of the best. it's more than just being able to play Football.

Do you think Peyton would start acting like that after a game winning TD?

"Peyton, how were you able to get that last second TD to win the game?"

"How?!? I'm Peyton God Damn Manning. I'm the best to ever play the game. No one can stop me!"