Are you out of your blessed mind, Newt?

U.S. News and World Report ran a cover picture of a Hezbollah gunman standing in front of a "downed Isreali jet" burning in the background. Turned out it was a pile of burning tires.

The photographer denounced the misuse of his picture. Reuters had provided their own "downed Isreali jet" caption to Time Magazine, U.S. News and literally thousands of news outlets worldwide.

Oh, let's not forget the faked pics of the ambulance in Beruit or pics of the guy who took a dead kid out of an ambulance and "discovered" her buried under rubble from an Isreali strike and paraded the poor child's body around for photographers.

Yeah, but how did we find out that these stories were bogus and to be disregarded? Al-Jazeera debunking a Time Magazine story in one case. Perhaps a western media co debunking Al-Jazeera in the next, I don't know. What happens if the government steps in, does the first version of every story they let us read become accepted fact?