Real Estate Agents and Builders to stop using the terms “master bedroom” and “master bathroom”

It serves more as a distraction to me from the bigger issues, especially when the reason for the change doesn't really seem to be rooted in a desire to improve the lives of black people and all it will really bring is more discontent where there likely never was any to begin with. As I said, had they made the change internally rather than announce it, that would be a different story and I'm sure a lot of other realtors would rapidly pick up on that and it would become a trend. But instead, they brought attention to an issue that never existed in the first place and most likely for selfish reasons. That's what makes it such a turn-off.

It's exactly what @guidomerkinsrules just posted from the Bible: “You have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."

Just do it and God will see your works. When you proclaim it, you cheapen it and make it about you. That's nothing but self promotion.

So, my position has been that if you guys let things like this distract and frustrate you, then the momentum for this movement will subside very quickly. Like, if this is annoying to you, buckle up, because I promise you there will be many more iddy biddy, little, minor, inconsequential changes like this happening and if your patience is that thin, you will be provided many opportunities to abandon this cause. I need for White America to realize that with a groundswell this large, a pendulum swing back this hard, with this large of a course correction, you are going to HAVE to leave space for changes that overshoot the mark, miss the mark and, yes, changes that are mistakes. Those things are going to happen. Period. And if those things are dulling your resolve, then you need to reflect on what this moment is truly about. We are talking about making the type of institutional, political and societal changes that, ultimately, can save lives in minority communities. Let's keep that all the way 100. But, this isn't a drive from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. This big of a change, this is a cross country effort from LA to New York. There will be plenty of off-ramps between here and the destination. Make no mistake, White America's wherewithal will be tested. Some of this stuff yall just gonna have to chuck the deuces on and keep it moving.