COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

No, spikes are never going to be over. It's endemic. I think we see occassional strands that pop up that are slightly more infectious than the last but the CFR is dropping like a rock as herd immunity levels continually increase and immunity levels seem to be lasting against severe disease. Getting children vaccinated should help accelerate this even more. Covid is over for 90% of the vaccinated. Severely immune compromised and fragile elderly still have higher than "acceptable" risk even with the vaccine. Covid will still cull off the unvaccinated at a high rate for the next few months until the newer treatments become widely available. This has also been going on long enough now that evolutionary progress is beginning to have an impact (aka Darwin), more so in certain states in the deep south that have already experienced a high rate of cull.

The recent Texas study really drives this home. People in the 30-50 age group are 200 times more likely to die from covid if unvaccinated. If this age group was dying at a 1% rate prior to vaccination you are now talking about a death rate of .005% for the vaccinated. For the under 30 crowd the death rate was already really low and is multiplied similarly with the vaccine to the point of a vaccinated death being static noise. Even the over 75 death rate is 10 times higher for unvaccinated so for the elderly population that have been vaccinated they have really good protection levels but Covid had such a high mortality rate in that group it's still going to be a considerable risk for vaccinated in that group, just way less than it was.

I've been saying it for months. Covid is over for the vaccinated keeping up with boosters, we are just too scared to realize it and probably wont feel comfortable accepting it until the spring.

With all that said, I still think this next wave is going to be huge. It's Delta and Delta+ which are both so extremely contagious. As fast as we are gaining immunity at this point we are losing it due to waning immunity due to the time gap between the first 3 waves and the initial vaccine rush. Getting boosters in arms is really important right now and I feel like this hasn't been handled with enough urgency. That said, they should all still all be protected against severe disease. Combine that with very little in the way of restrictions and it's going to spread like fire. We may even see case loads push up in that 250k range again but the death curve will really start to flatten out. Hospitalizations will likely still get really high due to fear of past outcomes and this is the year where I could see the healthcare system really getting overrun with the combination of Flu/Covid as the covid restrictions that prevented the flu last year aren't in place and it comes roaring back, some obvious places more than others.

At least that is my best guess working off the latest data available for so many of the important variables.
Last night I went to a visitation for the friend who died of COVID on Sunday (mentioned in a previous post). During the rosary I counted about 80+ in the room. My wife and I were the only ones masked. Others came through over the next hour, and we were still the lone mask wearers AT A WAKE FOR A COVID VICTIM.