Should the Saints be Sold?

We seem to be caught up with arguments based on the extremes. However, there is a general feeling that there is no accountability coming from ownership at this point. Lucky is on cruise control with a job for life.
These are the historical model franchises, and many of them are associated with the original teams:
I'm not saying these are the only good owners, but these are the franchises that have put consistent winners on the field and have solid organizational structures over a long period. When coaches don't win, you know the organization has the proper people to right the ship. Due to the nature of our current structure, I'm not too confident about what will happen in the future. I may be wrong, but Lucky Loo is accountable to no one, and he seems to be digging in on a bad decision, in my view.
Time will t
Bite your tongue.
I have a feeling a lot of people here won’t recognize the name Meacom