Could you go on the run? (2 Viewers)

Optimus Prime

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Jul 18, 1998
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Inspired by the Brian Laundrie situation

Let's say you are involved in something really bad. It doesn't matter if you're guilty or not. It looks bad, everything points to you and you know it.

The cops are going to be looking for you, maybe the Feds too. They're going to talk to your closest friends and family. Your name and picture will be all over the news

You decide to go on the run

I'll be generous and say the shirt hits the fan six hours from when you first read this.

How would you prepare? How far would you get and how long would you last?

Do you have friends and family that you can go to? That you trust to hide and/or help you (money, car, "hey, I have an empty rental property/secluded cabin you can stay at", etc.) and cover for you when the cops came around?

If you were in the wilderness in the middle of nowhere (not another person for 50 miles kind of place) how long could you survive? Could you make a shelter? catch food? Make a fire?

I'm not going to lie, I'd get caught pretty quick

I wouldn't involve anyone I know, I'd go it alone, if I had that lead time, I'd shave and gather up clothes

Then I'd go to the bank and withdraw a large amount of cash, Go to the store and get food

I think I have a set of license plates from one of my old cars.

I'd peel off the registration sticker on my current plates, put it the old plates, put them on the car, fill it up and go, and pray I'm not recognized when I had to stop to gas up again

As far as wilderness goes, Boy Scouts was a long time ago. There would be the world's crapiest lean-to and catching food is probably a pipe dream
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Do you mean "go ON the run" or did you mean "go the run"?
Having no practice at “going on the run”, I would fail miserably. The reason is that I think very simplistically about these things. I’ve been to several places in Louisiana and sometimes think that I could buy a small house tucked away in some small town - Elton, La for example. Figure out a way to use cash for all my needs and just stay out of the public eye. I would not involve anyone I know either, so there would still be a need for me to go grocery shopping periodically, seek medical treatment if necessary, and other things that I’m probably overlooking. It sounds exhausting and I wouldn’t be up for the challenge. I might last a week.

the false IDs and cash stay in a bag with my toothpaste, cash, 2 pairs of clean underwear and a towel. I can be out the door in under 2 minutes

Really pretty much this. Not even the phone is going with me. I mean, not being able to check SR would suck, but the goal is survival, then being completely disconnected is the only real way. No stopping at the store unless I absolutely have to, no phone calls, no credit/debit cards.

Ultimately, the goal isn't a place in the wilderness. I'm not built for that. Goal is to get to a non-extradition country. Then figure out what next at that point.

That said, with a wife, kids and friends I know well, hopefully I never get put in a position where I'd be on the run.
I wouldn't put my family through that situation, so the answer is no. The only reason I would do it is in an apocalyptical scenario such as Terminator, Red Dawn, zombies, etc.
Really pretty much this. Not even the phone is going with me. I mean, not being able to check SR would suck, but the goal is survival, then being completely disconnected is the only real way. No stopping at the store unless I absolutely have to, no phone calls, no credit/debit cards.

Ultimately, the goal isn't a place in the wilderness. I'm not built for that. Goal is to get to a non-extradition country. Then figure out what next at that point.

That said, with a wife, kids and friends I know well, hopefully I never get put in a position where I'd be on the run.
correct. Go straight to some Texas border town and learn how to say tunnels in Spanish with plenty of cash. Once I got to Mexico I could figure the rest out.
I would take efforts to make a new identity and disappear into a distant metroplois forever.

This might be the only way i could do it.. i just feel like the world is so small now, with such instant communication and hordes of bored people who form social media groups and do their own ‘investigations’, that it’d be almost impossible for most people to ever disappear for any length of time…. But as suggested above, if you have the time and resources to create a new identity and get a jump on the law, go somewhere with a dense population across the world and disguise urself- i suppose it could be done that way… but if im innocent i think im more likely to stay, face the music and hope to be vindicated.. but if im guilty then I probably deserve what’s coming to me anyway.

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