AKA: retrobanana
I've got this shelf that holds all my CDs but the shelves are starting to warp in the middle from all the weight.
It's one of those deals with the little pegs on each side that hold the shelves up, but otherwise it is pretty heavy, solid wood and I'd hate to toss it out. Wondering what I can do to shore up the warps in the middle and (hopefully) straighten them out.
I was thinking maybe a threaded rod with the biggest diameter washers I could find, drill a hole through the center of each shelf and use the nuts to level out the middle. I could gradually move the nuts up as the shelf (again hopefully) flattened out.
A friend suggested I get some square dowls, cut them the length of each shelf and screw them down on each shelf and that would flatten them out a little faster.
What's the better way to go here?

It's one of those deals with the little pegs on each side that hold the shelves up, but otherwise it is pretty heavy, solid wood and I'd hate to toss it out. Wondering what I can do to shore up the warps in the middle and (hopefully) straighten them out.
I was thinking maybe a threaded rod with the biggest diameter washers I could find, drill a hole through the center of each shelf and use the nuts to level out the middle. I could gradually move the nuts up as the shelf (again hopefully) flattened out.
A friend suggested I get some square dowls, cut them the length of each shelf and screw them down on each shelf and that would flatten them out a little faster.
What's the better way to go here?