Google Maps Offline downloaded / follow up question please (1 Viewer)

Jun 7, 2022
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New Jersey
So my wife and I have been to Letchworth State Park (NY) a few years ago...
When we were done visiting Letchworth State Park we got in the car but couldn't use Google Maps. There was no wifi.
It took me awhile to eventually find my way thru local roads to the interstate highway so we could head south to our hotel.
In 2 weeks we will bring relatives to Letchworth State Park and I don't want to struggle again so I've proactively done two things..
#1 I researched on a map what route to take once exiting the park and I took notes on that. Truthfully, having done that I SHOULD(?) be good to go.
#2 Yet, I also watched a video on downloading a map OFFLINE on Google Maps.
I followed those steps already and my map is successfully downloaded.
Finally here is my question for those reading this thread..
What do I literally do when my wife, myself and our guests get in my car after enjoying Letchworth S.P?
Do I (?) Tap on the Google Maps icon on my phone?....then tap on offline maps?...then tap on my saved map of the greater Letchworth State Park area?
If "yes" that would be great....if something I said is wrong, kindly correct me....then I next want to head to Danville NY where there WILL be wifi and I can then get on 390 South.
HOW do I "tell" google maps(when I am back at the State Park) to take me to Danville NY when I am using my predownloaded offline map? :unsure:
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I hear they have offline maps now made out of paper…they are hard to fold though.
I just confirmed my route plan over the phone w/ a Park Ranger....yet I still would like an answer to my OP question because by learning this skill I can apply it in future situations/future locations.
It's nice that my thread has provided some of you a chance to display your humor. A few clever and/or fun responses thus far ;)
Just tap on your map and input your destination. The map will act as if it’s online with no real time data, traffic, alternative routes, etc. when you do receive cell signal the map will let you know. I travel a ton for work and BFE is always my destination.
Just tap on your map and input your destination. The map will act as if it’s online with no real time data, traffic, alternative routes, etc. when you do receive cell signal the map will let you know. I travel a ton for work and BFE is always my destination.
Thank you! For clarification, there is no need to tap on "offline maps" and no need to tap on my downloaded map? Instead it seems I can just put in Danville NY ( which is within my pre downloaded region) and treat it just as if I had wifi?
Thank you! For clarification, there is no need to tap on "offline maps" and no need to tap on my downloaded map? Instead it seems I can just put in Danville NY ( which is within my pre downloaded region) and treat it just as if I had wifi?
Yep that’s all you gotta do, as long as you are in the area that you downloaded.
Btw @itztime (and everyone else) the advice that was given to me by @itztime was "right on the money". Although at Letchworth State Park no one could text, make a call or access the didn't matter. I just entered into google maps a destination 45 minutes away from the park and it displayed my route just as if I had wifi. My end destination WAS in an area with wifi and in an area within the map that I downloaded before leaving home. It totally worked!
Everyone should take the time to read the beginning of this thread and learn for yourselves. I am thankful that I did!

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