Interesting stat: Saints WRs (1 Viewer)


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Nov 11, 2006
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The Saints are the only team without a 300+ yard receiver this season (latest into season without such receiver since 1984).

It’s still shocking to me we are 5-2 with so little WR production, speaks volumes about our defense. And yes I’m on the OBJ or DJax boat bc this is a pretty crazy stat especially considering how this generation of football relies so much more on passing game.

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It is shocking, but on the same hand, it’s not. We really need someone to get in gear. And we could definitely use some outside help. I’m not sure how long we can sustain these wins with such poor receiver performance. Add to the fact that we’re starting our backup QB, it’s a real worry, but so far we’ve hung in there thanks to our defense and run game.
It's not surprising, because we have watched them all year. But it does say a lot about our coach. He's winning while losing in the one stat that defines the new era of football. Pretty damn amazing.
How many receivers have caught passes?
What's the average starting field position?
It's not surprising, because we have watched them all year. But it does say a lot about our coach. He's winning while losing in the one stat that defines the new era of football. Pretty damn amazing.
I don't think it's a "new era" as much as it is Coach Payton continuing to scheme his team to victories, this guy is a really good coach.
I don't think it's a "new era" as much as it is Coach Payton continuing to scheme his team to victories, this guy is a really good coach.
He is a really good coach, but with the rules now, the way they protect the QB and defenseless WR, it's not the same game of yesteryear. We are all about big splashy plays downfield, not Jim Brown, Rocky Bleir, ground and pound. That's what I meant by a new era.
Who ever would thought that this stat would occur with Sean Payton offensive system. Saints might not be completing many passes this year but they are very timely.

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