Mom Gets 2 years in Jail for Throwing a Cup of Ice (1 Viewer)

Optimus Prime

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Jul 18, 1998
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anyone hear about this?

I'll admit that it ws stupid and it could have caused a serious accident but shouldn't this be more of a fine/community service/anger magangement/probation type of thing?

'McMissile' Moment Lands Mom in Jail
Driver Gets Felony Conviction For Tossing Cup of Ice Into Car

By Theresa Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 18, 2007; Page A01

To the locals, it's the "McMissile" case.

And like the name, the details of it spill forth like a bad joke: A woman is driving north on Interstate 95. Three kids squirm in the back seat, and her sister, six months pregnant and having early contractions, sits in the front. The stress starts to simmer. Traffic slows, then crawls, then creeps. More stress. A car cuts in front of her, then scoots away. A short time later, it darts in again. She can no longer take it. She veers onto the shoulder and speeds up. Wham! She tosses a large McDonald's cup filled with ice into the other car................

The jury sentenced her to two years in prison, the minimum, and a judge will formally impose a sentence Wednesday. Under state law, the judge can only decrease the jury's sentence.
Yeah.... it's been a story around here -- not a big one, but yeah. Messed up.
That is absolutely ridiculous. DWI's lose their liscense and do some community service. Ice-throwers go to jail.
I read that earlier. Isn't that a little stiff for someone with 3 kids and a husband doing his third tour in Iraq.
Road rage, can't feel sorry for her. Throwing ice was rather stupid.
that's terrible, but be a good boy and visit her with a cake with a file in it. I mean she may be a felon, but she did raise you.
Could the other driver have decided to not press charges? If someone threw ice in my car, provoked or not, I would want her license suspended... but is that for the "vicitim" to decide? I would hope they other people arent so petty...
what was she charged with, well what crime..... Ive never heard of a traffic violation other than a DUI being a felony.
She was charged of Assault, Assault and Battery and wreckless driving. She got two years in prison, fined $1k, her kids have no parents until she or her husband comes home and she is a convicted felon for life which will probrably never let her go to nursing school as planned.

Note to self: Do not get a public defender if I get caught throwing ice.

Oh and this is a lady that had never even been to jail before.
did anyone get hurt?must have for such a harse thing to happen?
I like to eat ice cubes,not throw them myself.

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