Nick Barnett taken out by Umpire Jim Quirk (1 Viewer)

Didn't I hear today that either HIS krewe or just that guy has done this sort of thing repeatedly? If so, that might justify gettin tha boot.
I personally don't think it was. I understand the league trying to set a precedent in order to keep officials from locking up with players and prevent a freak happening a la Milton Bradley this past year for the Dodgers...but Quick was just trying to stop a fight, rather than instigate one. A reprimand I understand, but I wouldn't have taken an entire game check.

Edit: If what gb posted above is true, then that would certainly change my opinion somewhat...though I still feel he was trying to prevent a problem which is the most important aspect to me.
i think so. just shoving a ref warrants a huge fine, i think putting a player in a chokehold should warrant a fine as well.

The article above does say he had another altercation a few weeks back, but refs sometimes must touch players in order to break up potential fights. Players never have a reason to touch them.
The article above does say he had another altercation a few weeks back, but refs sometimes must touch players in order to break up potential fights. Players never have a reason to touch them.

i know they are allowed to touch them to break up fights, but wrapping arms around a players neck is never acceptible. thats why i related a simple shove warranting a fine as being similar to the ref choking a player.
i know they are allowed to touch them to break up fights, but wrapping arms around a players neck is never acceptible. thats why i related a simple shove warranting a fine as being similar to the ref choking a player.

If a player shoves a ref there's no doubt the intent, but if a senior citizen aged ref tries to break up a fight between roid players it doesnt necessarily mean it was purposeful if they use any means necessary sometimes with the situation dictating what's necessary. I know he had a previous incident I just dont see why he would purposefully want to choke anybody? Im sure this is mainly Goodel wanting to look good for the Player's Association.
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Its a load of BS the ref should have full right to break up a fight. The dude is an old man let him get a body slam in before you fine the guy. I mean Nick didn't even tap out so it must not have been that serious of a choke hold.
What would have happened to Barnett if he had shoved the ref to the ground as a reflex action, thinking that he was being grabbed by an opposing player?

There is no reason for a ref to grab a player around the neck from behind, even if he was breaking up an altercation. If anything else, it puts the ref in jeopardy.

All of the other officials don't seem to have a problem separating unruly players without resorting to that extreme.
What would have happened to Barnett if he had shoved the ref to the ground as a reflex action, thinking that he was being grabbed by an opposing player?

There is no reason for a ref to grab a player around the neck from behind, even if he was breaking up an altercation. If anything else, it puts the ref in jeopardy.

All of the other officials don't seem to have a problem separating unruly players without resorting to that extreme.

Good point, if the player had shoved the ref as a reflex, again I dont think it was purposeful so shouldnt have been a big deal. I dont think the ref thought that that he needed to grab his throat to stop a possible fight. I think it was accidental when the ref stumbled when pulling him back.
It looked to me like he was just trying to break up a fight but once Barnett started going backwards Quirk was just along for the ride.

I think the fine was stiff but reserve the right to change my opinion if Quirk has had other incidents.
that was a harsh punishment on the old dude. he's not gonna hurt a pro player. the reason the fines are so high when a player touches a ref, is because they are huge men that can really MOD EDITsomeone up. an old man wrestling someone off a pile isn't going to hurt someone. eight grand, is probably a good deal of money to an nfl ref. the fines they give players, is just a drop in the bucket compared to what they make. i can't believe it but i am actually siding with the ref.
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I have no idea what a ref makes a game, but I think the punishment should be equal to what a player would get for a similar infraction plus 10%; the refs after all should be held to a higher standard. The fine should also be pro rata vis-a-vis players.

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