NOLA City Council passes $300 minimum fine for bike lane violations (1 Viewer)

Mr. Sparkle

Disrespectful to dirt
Mar 5, 2002
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Driving or parking in a bike lane in New Orleans will come with stiffer penalties under an ordinance passed by the City Council on Thursday.
Motor vehicles in bike lanes will now be fined a minimum of $300, under an ordinance the council approved by a 5-0 vote on Thursday. Council members Jason Williams and Cyndi Nguyen were absent.

$300 minimum for driving or parking in a bike lane, with a max of $500.

$300 is roughly double the minimum fine for speeding in a school zone.

The City has been striping in bike lanes all over the place without (it appears) a whole lot of thought behind them, and how they impact safety and traffic flow, resulting in a lot of accidents and some deaths caused by collisions between vehicles and cyclists. I'm dumbfounded at the City's approach to this issue - they keep squeezing in more bike lanes into busy streets instead of thinking it through or designated certain side streets as 'bike streets' etc.

Imposing the stiffest fine in the entire traffic law seems like a very dumb way to go - if you really want to make New Orleanians angry about something, send them to traffic court.

We'll end up pulling up bike lanes within a year if the NOPD takes this seriously.
I was riding down carrolton a few days ago and I was white knuckling it for blocks!

There’s no room. The bikers are weaving in their lane and at the intersections its a complete cluster fudgesicle.

Poorly planned
OMG, the bike lanes -- on already seriously narrow streets -- are the worst. Watching for pedestrians, bikers, cars, streetcars, tourists (singling out from "regular" pedestrians because people on vacation act like they're invincible), and whatever else it's a wonder someone isn't killed every day. I'd rather drive in Manhattan .. and I'll never drive in Manhattan again.

Thank you for letting me vent. I've been afraid to say anything out loud because New Orleans is getting all progressive up in here.
The bravery (or maybe stupidity) of some cyclists while they're on a road with cars astonishes me. The confidence they have in the people driving around them is crazy. I could never do the busy city bike riding thing.

When I was a teenager my uncle was run over by a car while running in a city...ever since I seem to have what's probably an exaggerated fear of being around cars while not in a car. Even when I'm running on a sidewalk in an area with very few cars I still worry about being hit by a car. Biking amongst cars on a busy city street, or driving around cyclists...scares me silly.
Likely a reaction to the (latest) fatality where the driver ran over a biker in a bike lane. However he was blind drunk so I doubt the threat of a $300 fine would have prevented the tragedy.
The bravery (or maybe stupidity) of some cyclists while they're on a road with cars astonishes me. The confidence they have in the people driving around them is crazy. I could never do the busy city bike riding thing.
See, that's my thing. Tourists aren't looking both ways and the pedestrians and cyclists seem to be counting on everyone else paying attention to them and ONLY them. There is a LOT going on to pay attention to.
See, that's my thing. Tourists aren't looking both ways and the pedestrians and cyclists seem to be counting on everyone else paying attention to them and ONLY them. There is a LOT going on to pay attention to.
I consider it a miracle of humanity that there aren't hundreds of times more deaths on our roads than there are.
In my experience, here is the commuter-cyclist viewpoint:

  1. Vehicles must take all precautions at all times regarding cyclists because the risk of harm is disproportionately against the cyclist;
  2. Pedestrians and everybody else must yield at all times to cyclists because come on, we got places to go and if we have to slow down, well man that just sucks.
I'm not sure it is even clear what is and is not a "bike lane." Some are obvious, but some seem to just be painted over part of an existing driving lane in only certain areas (not always continuous). Also, there appears to be confusion as to when a car can cross the bike lane to turn right at intersections. Typical NOLA cluster.
I drive in the quarter and downtown every day for extended periods of time. I've had many close calls and dangerous moments with bikes. One of them were my fault. The rest were the fault of bicyclists ignoring the rules of the road and otherwise acting in unpredictable and selfish ways. I know there are drivers who really don't give bikes the caution and respect they deserve. I ride my bike too and have been victim to it. But in New Orleans, at least an equal part of the problem, from my perspective, is the people on the bikes themselves. It's literally everyday I have to hit my brakes to avoid a collision with a bike that blows through a stop sign or turns into oncoming traffic on a one way. The same goes for pedestrians. It's absolutely nuts.
Likely a reaction to the (latest) fatality where the driver ran over a biker in a bike lane. However he was blind drunk so I doubt the threat of a $300 fine would have prevented the tragedy.
Probably so. Yeah, I doubt the driver even knew he was in a bike lane.
I’ve been in cities that have it right with bikes. Usually much wider roads.

In new orleans it looks like the city council just ignored the fact that the roads are not wide enough and bought into the feel good bike lane movement.
Ok guys it is not that hard.

Yes we have piss poor cyclist and piss poor drivers.

Yes I am a cyclist. A bike is the most beautiful mode of transportation. I ride a couple times a week.

And yes I do blow thru stop signs after looking to see if no one is around. Unclipping sucks. That is about as bad as I get. Never wrong way on a one way. Always have great lights on bike. I want to be seen. I am riding for my health so getting squished is not what I am after.

This town has gotten a heck of a lot better. Back on the 80s when I was a hardcore cyclist riding more miles than I drive now this town was scary. The anxiety levels are almost non-existent compared to the 80s.

Bike Lanes are marked. Just assume you have a bike lane to the right all the time. Because you really do. The city did it nicely for drivers it could be worse.

Personally if I was doing it I would have moved the parked cars next to the drivers and make the bike lane by the curb. Then that drunk would have run into cars on esplanade instead of people. I don't care if your SUV gets squished it is better that loosing a life.

Hopefully the cyclist get better with the going up a one way the wrong way. That chaps my hide and is super dangerous.

Be patient. We all have places to go.

We are just gonna get more and more cyclist. The ebike is a real thing. Getting people out that would not work that hard normally. They are getting cheaper. It makes a commute a breeze.

Oh about the tickets. I guess you just can't double park anymore. Every major Street has a bike lane. I hope they ticket ups, the post office, and FedEx. I am tired of them. Why is that package more important than everyone in the world.

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