Per Michael Silver: DeSean Jackson Could Sign With the Raiders (1 Viewer)

Well, if he signs with the Raiders, that would be one hurdle cleared to get OBJ.

OBJ is not happening.

He will go through waivers first and there's at least a half dozen teams before us that need WR help.
All options should be open for us at WR. We have nothing at the moment So let go of the pipe dreams.
Agree with all options being open, but I wouldn’t say the Saints have nothing. Payton just had to Fido a better job at game planning for Calloway, Johnson, Stills, and White. He needs to sprinkle in Harris and AK41. Use the running game with Ingram, Washington, Montgomery, and AK.
Pro Tip: Never read articles that have could/would/should in the title. That means click bait.
Just my opinion but I don’t see much difference between Kenny Stills and Jackson. Both are smaller, deep threats. Jackson maybe can fill in as a returner it not a lot of difference honestly.

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