The End is Near.... (1 Viewer)

Bleu Raeder

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Feb 3, 1998
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I saw some billboards around Vidor and Orange as I traveled back and forth to Houma over the past couple of days.
is there any coincidence that May 21 is also my 10 yr anniversary with the wife?!?

So do I really need to get her something or can I just show her this?

(insert "judgement day" jokes at will :ezbill:)
These nuts were already wrong about the world ending in 1994 so they decided to give it another shot? :biglol:
from what I read, they have absolutely no reasoning for that specific day.

They just say that May 21st is the day.

seriously? how can anyone take them serious.
Did someone let Hal loose again?...

Seriously, I recall reading a religious studies book wherein the author talked about having to "mature" past such nonsense to get serious about G-d. He remembered constant "Rapture Classes" when he was a teenager entailing detailed scenarios of how modern headlines were playing out the prophecies of the Revelation (of course, they kept having to change the parallels every couple of years as leaders and other situations in the world changed). He finally realized that becoming caught up in such things was a crutch to let people check out of the world and forget their duty to their fellow man.

Of course, such things have been going on for centuries. There are many medieval stories of monastaries whose members were convinced that the AntiChrist had appeared and the end was only months away. No surprise when yet another group starts shouting it all over again. Change the date, recycle.
Thought of the Day:

Rapture already happened, life on Earth ended and new life was created. It all restarted some time ago and we are the result.

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