Video: Sedrick Ellis says the New Orleans Saints defensive front needs to establish control (1 Viewer)


Cam Jordan Fan Club
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
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It'd be nice if we could him some more help next year!
It'd be nice if we could him some more help next year!

I was just thinking of that what do you think about Drake Nevis of LSU they got him slated to us in .
Sedrick Ellis is awesome. I also do agree with what he said. The defensive line does need to take control. That will help the overall run defense.
I think we need a true speed rush guy on the outside that teams have to double or triple team. That kind of player require interior lineman to be conscious of the outside and opens up space for tackles. Our ends are getting one on one blocks and play like tackles.
I think the Sharper video after this video speaks volumes. On a top 5 defense we have three should be pro bowlers that were passed up by inferior players; this coming from a veteran who has been a pro bowler. He spoke about the teams goal being another SB and not just having the most pro bowlers.

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