Coach Pete on Eric McCoy (2 Viewers)

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Medsamust Saint Fan
Apr 14, 2007
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Slaughterhouse Five
Coach Pete, "Eric can play any position on the offensive line. Coach Sean likes versatility in his linemen. Eric is extremely talented, very high football IQ, a natural team leader and player who gives it all on every play as well as off the field. He is a student of the game. Eric is a real stud and will be a starter this year. He's tough and plays through minor injuries. This is a freak athlete and an absolute 1st round talent. Some boards had him as high as 15. "

This is real interesting..... Coach Pete said with a big smile on his face like he knew what he was saying, "The full Saints plan for Eric is strong side guard!"

If Coach Pete is right, what does this mean for the future of our O-line.
"The full Saints plan" could mean a future change to guard. The "partial" plan could mean that the immediate plan is to play him at center.
Coach Pete, "Eric can play any position on the offensive line. Coach Sean likes versatility in his linemen. Eric is extremely talented, very high football IQ, a natural team leader and player who gives it all on every play as well as off the field. He is a student of the game. Eric is a real stud and will be a starter this year. He's tough and plays through minor injuries. This is a freak athlete and an absolute 1st round talent. Some boards had him as high as 15. "

This is real interesting..... Coach Pete said with a big smile on his face like he knew what he was saying, "The full Saints plan for Eric is strong side guard!"

If Coach Pete is right, what does this mean for the future of our O-line.

This is great news!

Hum. Very interesting about the guard comment.

Bartboy - I am super curious about this also. Warford has been a monster for us. He has chemistry with Ram. I am pretty sure Coach Pete got this directly from a Saints source - almost certain by his smile. Does this mean that with all the super star young rookie contracts, the Saints are going to let Warford walk instead of a major contract when the current one expires?

I would appreciate all ideas on what this would mean. Thx Who Dats!
As much as I respect what he’s prognosticated in the past, gotta part ways with Coach Pete on this one.

CSP was pretty adamant that McCoy is our next Center.


Hey NDCC - I hear you and I don't doubt this also. But it was that rare kinda cocky Pete smile that he knew what he was talking about.

Edit: 95% of the Who Dats flamed Pete's draft day prediction on moving up to 12-14 to get Davenport. We all know how that turned out. When Coach Pete has the look he had today, one would be wise not to bet against him.
Yeah i'm curious about the guard statement, but we'll see how it all pans out.
Easton plays center and guard.
McCoy is mostly a Center but can also play guard
We need a Center
Peat is expensive and hurt often
So we need a future guard

I've read in the past where we like to cross train all our OL. I think the Easton signing and drafting McCoy is simply acquiring talent.
We will get them in camp, cross train them, and then put the best 5 on the field in the position they best help the team.

Reading between the lines, I think it almost spells the end for Tom and Clapp.

We need our center to be intelligent especially football IQ.
Both of these guys come advertised as high IQ guys.

We do a lot of zone blocking.
Both guys come advertised as "better at zone than power"

This will all be worked out in camp. Sort of "the best man wins" type thing.

And at the same time, with Easton, we're in no huge rush to put McCoy on the field. If he's ready, we can use him. If he's not, then we can develop him.

I do wish we had this same situation going on at OT.
Easton plays center and guard.
McCoy is mostly a Center but can also play guard
We need a Center
Peat is expensive and hurt often
So we need a future guard

I've read in the past where we like to cross train all our OL. I think the Easton signing and drafting McCoy is simply acquiring talent.
We will get them in camp, cross train them, and then put the best 5 on the field in the position they best help the team.

Reading between the lines, I think it almost spells the end for Tom and Clapp.

We need our center to be intelligent especially football IQ.
Both of these guys come advertised as high IQ guys.

We do a lot of zone blocking.
Both guys come advertised as "better at zone than power"

This will all be worked out in camp. Sort of "the best man wins" type thing.

And at the same time, with Easton, we're in no huge rush to put McCoy on the field. If he's ready, we can use him. If he's not, then we can develop him.

I do wish we had this same situation going on at OT.
What does Pete know that Sean Payton doesn't know?
Hey NDCC - I hear you and I don't doubt this also. But it was that rare kinda cocky Pete smile that he knew what he was talking about.

Edit: 95% of the Who Dats flamed Pete's draft day prediction on moving up to 12-14 to get Davenport. We all know how that turned out. When Coach Pete has the look he had today, one would be wise not to bet against him.

Just a 100% of the Anti-trade up crybabies flamed him. Us regular people... We was chill. lol

Sadly... The anti-trade up peeps have dwindle after the last 3 years of constant trade ups lol I miss trolling them.

I remember their delusion that the Ram pick was valued so much because it's 5th year option when no team ever cares about it in trade value.
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