4 silver linings. (1 Viewer)

Broad St. Saint

Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
(1) No one appears seriously injured.

(2) Brees averaged 8.5 yards per attempt against a top D that knew (for most of the game) that he had to throw. That bodes well for the offense's continued vitality.

(3) Mark Campbell caught 4 for 42 at TE. If the Saints get consistent production out of him, and decent blocking, that adds another dimension for Brees to work with.

(4) Baltimore is a non-division, non-conference loss in the tiebreakers.
How about
(5) Beerman back and looking good!
You're right. Maybe the bright side will turn out to be that they got this one stinker of a game out of their collective system against an AFC opponent and today's game won't come back to bite us later on in the season. Hopefully things will only get better from here.
it wasn't a bad team we lost to, Ravens are pretty good.
at least it wasn't a team that will go 1-15 this year...
it wasn't a bad team we lost to, Ravens are pretty good.
at least it wasn't a team that will go 1-15 this year...

Sometimes a loss is a good thing. It will bring the team back down to earth and hopefully refocus them and they will play with a chip on their shoulder.
Couple of orther things

Saints did not give up -- they fought to the end -- and believe me -- as badly as they were playing one would understand had they packed it in. Unfortunately this game looked like Haslett was the coach and AB was the QB. I mean really -- 1st and goal at the 8 and 2 penatlies in a row before an INT.
Our Oline is weak and suspect, and our d secondary is HORRIBLE...

We will not beat any other above avergae teams if they follow Baltimore's gameplan,

Blitz on D, play 3 WR sets to have thomas and Craft on the field, and throw, someone will be open...
Our Oline is weak and suspect, and our d secondary is HORRIBLE...

We will not beat any other above avergae teams if they follow Baltimore's gameplan,

Blitz on D, play 3 WR sets to have thomas and Craft on the field, and throw, someone will be open...

Teams have tried it against us already this season. You're not giving enough credit where credit is due...
They certainly can't, and in my opinion won't, play that badly two weeks in a row. Payton won't allow it. The Saints are just not good enough defensively to turn the ball over and make mistakes offensively.

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