Announcing Team for WC Game? (1 Viewer)

Pocket Hercules

Always Locked In
Aug 8, 1997
Reaction score
Moab, UT
So we play the early game Saturday on NBC. You can bet the farm that Michaels and Collinsworth will call the late game so that they can slobber all over McManning and Dances With Old Feet. Who will NBC tap to call our game?

Anyone think there is a chance that Madden and Summerall are asked to get together for one game this year? Probably unlikely (not so much for Madden) but the thought of this happening would almost make it worth being a wild-card this year.

Anyone capable of killing/confirming this dream?
I think Tom Hammond will be on PxP. Not sure who the color commentator will be though.
Its on NBC so we're getting some announce team that hasn't announced all season. Anyone remember how incredibly horrible the announce team was for the Jets-Bengals game last year?
Hammond? Ugh, he makes me feel like I'm watching olympic diving, not NFL football. Please let this be untrue. Theismann is no consolation either.
Tom Hammond likely will indeed be the lead announcer.
AAARRGGHHH! Please buy the Monday night crew. C'MON ESPN, Let your people go!
NBC will be announcing the team later in the week, according to the admin over at, so we can hold out hope that Theismann won't be behind a microphone.

ETA - Al Michaels just said Tom Hammond and... wait for it... Mike Mayock on the call.
If its Theismann I will break my own ankle!


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