Another drummer appreciation thread

I'm not even a big metal fan, kinda sorry I mentioned Lars now. lol Not trying to get into a technical debate. Let's just say, there are two schools of Metal, Metallica and Dream Theater. I would take early Metallica every time. Once again, I'm not a big fan of metal. Every once in awhile I will listen to an old Metallica Album.

Lars own words...

"Asked in a 2008 interview with U.K.'s Rhythm magazine if he was troubled by the fact that he's gotten a lot of flak over the years from people who accused him of being a poor drummer, Lars said: "It used to, back in the day — and I spent a lot of time overcompensating for that on the early records. But then you wake up one day and you're like, whatever. It hasn't bothered me for about 15 years. I'm no Joey Jordison, I'm no Mike Portnoy, and I have nothing but love and respect and admiration for all those guys. When I hear some of the young dudes, they blow my mind with what they can do with their feet and stuff — but it's not something that makes me go, 'I need to feel better about myself so I'm gonna learn how to do what they do with my feet.' I'm not a particularly accomplished drummer but I am very, very, very good at understanding the role of the drums next to James Hetfield's rhythm guitar. I guarantee you I'm the best guy in the world for that, and that's enough for me.""

I remember hearing Undead Snoopy criticizing Ringo Star for lack of technical drumming, but he is still rated pretty high. At number 7.

Personally, I agree with what Lars said,

"I'm not a particularly accomplished drummer but I am very, very, very good at understanding the role of the drums next to James Hetfield's rhythm guitar. I guarantee you I'm the best guy in the world for that, and that's enough for me."

Finding the right drummer for the songs that you are writing is key. Obviously, Metallica has nothing to prove at this point, they could of retired 20 years ago. Lars net worth is estimated at 350 million, so there is enough people that appreciate his drumming skill, to say the least. lol

Naw, don't be sorry, always good discussions around music......and I totally agree, Lars is the perfect drummer for Metallica. The music doesn't demand technical ability, just straight ahead hard charging (with some hooks) power.....

I'm the complete opposite, and actually DT early on was as much a prog band as a metal band, the technical ability of the musicians in that band is far advanced from bands like Metallica.....but that doesn't give them the larger audience because most folks just want what they want out of music and that is fine....

I have a friend who mostly played in prog cover bands who played some Metallica with one of the bands and said it was some of the easiest music to learn that he ever played.....
Naw, don't be sorry, always good discussions around music......and I totally agree, Lars is the perfect drummer for Metallica. The music doesn't demand technical ability, just straight ahead hard charging (with some hooks) power.....

I'm the complete opposite, and actually DT early on was as much a prog band as a metal band, the technical ability of the musicians in that band is far advanced from bands like Metallica.....but that doesn't give them the larger audience because most folks just want what they want out of music and that is fine....

I have a friend who mostly played in prog cover bands who played some Metallica with one of the bands and said it was some of the easiest music to learn that he ever played.....

I get the technical side. Rodney Mullen would be the technical skater of the drumming world. The guy is world class without question, but there is another view point to it. Now you see every kid flipping their board trying to copy him, instead of trying to surf skate. Mike Portnoy is your tech guy. I get it, or maybe someone else.

For some reason technical musical fans, fail to see how important the hook is. Maybe rhythm fans fail to acknowledge technical super powers, but that's the beauty of life. People are different, that's why it's about appreciation, rather than arguing who is the best. :)

Other side of the coin you have free ride skateboarders. Just cruising around popping ollies and ridding pools. This would be like your Tre Cool and Dave Grohl drumming comparison.

It's like arguing Rodney Mullen and Christian Hosoi. You may prefer Rodney Mullen technical abilities over Christian Hosoi carving pools, but riding pools is pretty damn cool. On the other side, some may think Rodney Mullen skating style is a little corny, and dorky. Rodney Mullen seems like a really cool dude, but Christian Hosoi is a legend in his own right. On the flip side, maybe some see Christian Hosoi in lacking technical abilities, thus a mediocre rider.

Ask your friend, what the best song he has ever written and recorded? Now compare that to Metallica, One. lol Just saying. I hear many musicians say, so and so isn't that good, I always respond with something like, Dave Grohl was like 20 or 22 when he recorded Nevermind. What did you do at age 22?!?! lol Long pause after that..............
I get the technical side. Rodney Mullen would be the technical skater of the drumming world. The guy is world class without question, but there is another view point to it. Now you see every kid flipping their board trying to copy him, instead of trying to surf skate. Mike Portnoy is your tech guy. I get it, or maybe someone else.

For some reason technical musical fans, fail to see how important the hook is. Maybe rhythm fans fail to acknowledge technical super powers, but that's the beauty of life. People are different, that's why it's about appreciation, rather than arguing who is the best. :)

Other side of the coin you have free ride skateboarders. Just cruising around popping ollies and ridding pools. This would be like your Tre Cool and Dave Grohl drumming comparison.

It's like arguing Rodney Mullen and Christian Hosoi. You may prefer Rodney Mullen technical abilities over Christian Hosoi carving pools, but riding pools is pretty damn cool. On the other side, some may think Rodney Mullen skating style is a little corny, and dorky. Rodney Mullen seems like a really cool dude, but Christian Hosoi is a legend in his own right. On the flip side, maybe some see Christian Hosoi in lacking technical abilities, thus a mediocre rider.

Ask your friend, what the best song he has ever written and recorded? Now compare that to Metallica, One. lol Just saying. I hear many musicians say, so and so isn't that good, I always respond with something like, Dave Grohl was like 20 or 22 when he recorded Nevermind. What did you do at age 22?!?! lol Long pause after that..............

That is the beauty of both music and skating (and I've been skating since age 11 and still at it).....there is no right answer, no perfect/correct style.....

I think a lot of folks that aren't musicians and/or not familiar or don't care about that stuff (which would be most of my family) listen to music to hear certain things, a nice hook, a vocal pleasantry, a cool lyric, something direct or just....nice to listen too.....

That's fine and probably comprises most of the listening public.....but that's not what I'm interested in (mostly).....also I'm not saying it's not "good", but I'm also saying that just because a ton of people like it doesn't make it "good" to me.....Also I like my friends best original song more than most Metallica songs but again, just my personal taste....

Also the Rodney Mullen to Hosoi comparison? Mullen was a free/street skate styler.....Hosoi a full on vert skater....the better comparison is the power, style of force of Hosoi vs the 1,000 new trick boy wonder that was Tony Hawk.....just sayin.....
That is the beauty of both music and skating (and I've been skating since age 11 and still at it).....there is no right answer, no perfect/correct style.....

I think a lot of folks that aren't musicians and/or not familiar or don't care about that stuff (which would be most of my family) listen to music to hear certain things, a nice hook, a vocal pleasantry, a cool lyric, something direct or just....nice to listen too.....

That's fine and probably comprises most of the listening public.....but that's not what I'm interested in (mostly).....also I'm not saying it's not "good", but I'm also saying that just because a ton of people like it doesn't make it "good" to me.....Also I like my friends best original song more than most Metallica songs but again, just my personal taste....

Also the Rodney Mullen to Hosoi comparison? Mullen was a free/street skate styler.....Hosoi a full on vert skater....the better comparison is the power, style of force of Hosoi vs the 1,000 new trick boy wonder that was Tony Hawk.....just sayin.....

Bingo! Personal taste.

"a nice hook, a vocal pleasantry, a cool lyric, something direct or just....nice to listen too....."

Yes, put me down for a nice hook, pleasant vocals, great lyrics, straight forward, and nice to listen. I think this matches up to punk quite well. lol

Never got into Jazz, all though I like some Jazz songs. Tool just seems to chaotic for my ear, which might be one of your favorites. Then again, I liked Mozart and Beethoven, which is pretty complex overall, but it has a melody, that I appreciate. So, I guess I'm a sucker for a nice melody, whether it's complicated or not. I think Jazz many times fails to have a melody, but maybe it's just to complicated for me to hear it. lol

I think Rodney Mullen is pretty technical, if not one of the most technical skateboarders ever, but your right on the classification. Tony Hawk is an extremely technical rider as well, so either rider will work. Both the best in their skating styles. I was born and raised in Southern California, so skateboarding, bmx, mountain biking, snowboarding, surfing, and music was pretty influential for me. lol Might be one of the most influential areas in those arenas as well. lol Southern California pretty much as it all, except affordability, and low congestion.

I surfed Oceanside many, many times.

I still have a skateboard, but not really interested on falling on hard pavement to often. I prefer snowboarding and downhill mountain biking. Mountain biking you can get wrecked pretty good, but still has some dirt for sliding, and softer than concrete. In 5th and 6th grade was my skateboarding peak, than discovered surfing, and that was far superior in my mind, but to each his own. lol I have found memories of my skateboarding buddies though.

You skate street, flat ground, park, pools, or vert?

Care to share your friend's best song? Youtube link?

Agreed on not being persuaded by the crowds. Punk Rock has generally been a genre that wasn't meant for the general public, same goes with Heavy Metal. New Wave and Glam Metal made Punk and Heavy Metal more appealing to the Masses.
nice that ziggy made that list (#70)

one of my heroes (from the other drummer thread) came in at #62 :tiphat:
Tool just seems to chaotic for my ear, which might be one of your favorites.

I like them ok, they definitely have a unique sound and the musicianship is really good in the band for sure.....I'm more into prog/jazz/fusion type stuff. Melding different styles and musics into one and make it sound like something incredible is incredibly difficult.....Early on loved Yes, Rush, Genesis, ELP, love Porcupine Tree (recent(er) .....then discovered fusion....Dregs, ABB, TTB, Return to R&B, blues being a rather poor guitarist I have a thing for great players.....Steve Morse, Steve Howe, Pat Metheny, Derek Trucks, SRV, Hendrix, Al DiMeola, Paco.....Duane Allman, and on and on

Fun fact - a friend of a friend managed Tool early on, they fired him shortly after "Sober" took off.....

ou skate street, flat ground, park, pools, or vert?

All of it actually. I can still turn 360's and do rather humble ollies. Last time I skated a park was probably 10 years ago but it was fine.....can do kick turns and fakies but my aerial times have passed....about to check out a few public skateparks in Wilmington NC.....Always wanted to learn to surf, may take lessons this summer.....

Care to share your friend's best song? Youtube link?

Would love to but he is deceased and the band disbanded years ago. I probably have it on an old CD somewhere.....
I like them ok, they definitely have a unique sound and the musicianship is really good in the band for sure.....I'm more into prog/jazz/fusion type stuff. Melding different styles and musics into one and make it sound like something incredible is incredibly difficult.....Early on loved Yes, Rush, Genesis, ELP, love Porcupine Tree (recent(er) .....then discovered fusion....Dregs, ABB, TTB, Return to R&B, blues being a rather poor guitarist I have a thing for great players.....Steve Morse, Steve Howe, Pat Metheny, Derek Trucks, SRV, Hendrix, Al DiMeola, Paco.....Duane Allman, and on and on

Fun fact - a friend of a friend managed Tool early on, they fired him shortly after "Sober" took off.....

All of it actually. I can still turn 360's and do rather humble ollies. Last time I skated a park was probably 10 years ago but it was fine.....can do kick turns and fakies but my aerial times have passed....about to check out a few public skateparks in Wilmington NC.....Always wanted to learn to surf, may take lessons this summer.....

Would love to but he is deceased and the band disbanded years ago. I probably have it on an old CD somewhere.....

You record anything? What styles do you normally jam to with you geetar?

That's pretty cool. Yeah, Sober was their smash hit. At least, your friend has bragging rights?!?! lol

North Carolina sounds nice. I hear the woman there are great. Lucky you! Dave Mirra is from North Carolina. I'm sure you heard about his sad ending. You should give snowboarding a chance as well, there should be some mountain near you, if haven't tried already.

Yeah, give surfing a shot. I would recommend starting off on a longboard, with mushy, long waves. Best long boarding spot is Waikiki, Hawaii in my opinion. So fun! Starting off on a short board has a longer learning curve, but whatever you want.

There is a skate park where I live, bike park, and pump track. I think I might do some surf skating. Just don't have the patience for doing tricks on skateboards. Injuries are not acceptable to me any more, to many responsibilities. Tend to be more conservative now on my X Games fun. lol The pump track on my mountain bike is pretty fun. Good warm ups for downhill riding. My vehicle is all smashed up right now, so once it's fixed, the fun begins. Oh yeah!

Sorry to hear about your friend. "Only the good die young".

Jeff Nelson

You record anything? What styles do you normally jam to with you geetar?

That's pretty cool. Yeah, Sober was their smash hit. At least, your friend has bragging rights?!?! lol

North Carolina sounds nice. I hear the woman there are great. Lucky you! Dave Mirra is from North Carolina. I'm sure you heard about his sad ending. You should give snowboarding a chance as well, there should be some mountain near you, if haven't tried already.

Yeah, give surfing a shot. I would recommend starting off on a longboard, with mushy, long waves. Best long boarding spot is Waikiki, Hawaii in my opinion. So fun! Starting off on a short board has a longer learning curve, but whatever you want.

There is a skate park where I live, bike park, and pump track. I think I might do some surf skating. Just don't have the patience for doing tricks on skateboards. Injuries are not acceptable to me any more, to many responsibilities. Tend to be more conservative now on my X Games fun. lol The pump track on my mountain bike is pretty fun. Good warm ups for downhill riding. My vehicle is all smashed up right now, so once it's fixed, the fun begins. Oh yeah!

Sorry to hear about your friend. "Only the good die young".

Jeff Nelson

Naw, I just play for fun, since we moved to NC I haven't picked it up but was actually learning DSOTM, Gilmour is a great player and most of his stuff is playable for even the likes of myself.....

I've done some snowboarding (we had a cabin in PA not far from a ski resort) and it's similar enough to skating that I took to it fairly quickly, but only cruised down mountains, nothing fancy......surfing is on the agenda for sure.....

One of the most annoying things to me are folks that think someone is "too old" to skate, or surf, or response is always "so you've given up.....good for you!!!!"

Surf skating, carving bowls/pools is huge fun, is the spiritual aesthetic of skating to me.....Cheers and keep on keeping on....
I like them ok, they definitely have a unique sound and the musicianship is really good in the band for sure.....I'm more into prog/jazz/fusion type stuff. Melding different styles and musics into one and make it sound like something incredible is incredibly difficult.....Early on loved Yes, Rush, Genesis, ELP, love Porcupine Tree (recent(er) .....then discovered fusion....Dregs, ABB, TTB, Return to R&B, blues being a rather poor guitarist I have a thing for great players.....Steve Morse, Steve Howe, Pat Metheny, Derek Trucks, SRV, Hendrix, Al DiMeola, Paco.....Duane Allman, and on and on

Fun fact - a friend of a friend managed Tool early on, they fired him shortly after "Sober" took off.....

All of it actually. I can still turn 360's and do rather humble ollies. Last time I skated a park was probably 10 years ago but it was fine.....can do kick turns and fakies but my aerial times have passed....about to check out a few public skateparks in Wilmington NC.....Always wanted to learn to surf, may take lessons this summer.....

Would love to but he is deceased and the band disbanded years ago. I probably have it on an old CD somewhere.....
For surfing, go with a longboard. I had a 6' G&S back in the day. I was ok, but nothing special. The problem with short boards is that they require you to pop up quickly from prone. Man, that ain't easy as we get older. Longboards are much more forgiving and still give a great feel for the waves.

Back to drummers, I'd have put Michael Shrieve higher on that list.

I'd also add Chuck Biscuits

Naw, I just play for fun, since we moved to NC I haven't picked it up but was actually learning DSOTM, Gilmour is a great player and most of his stuff is playable for even the likes of myself.....

I've done some snowboarding (we had a cabin in PA not far from a ski resort) and it's similar enough to skating that I took to it fairly quickly, but only cruised down mountains, nothing fancy......surfing is on the agenda for sure.....

One of the most annoying things to me are folks that think someone is "too old" to skate, or surf, or response is always "so you've given up.....good for you!!!!"

Surf skating, carving bowls/pools is huge fun, is the spiritual aesthetic of skating to me.....Cheers and keep on keeping on....


What did you think of snowboarding?

What happened to skate or die, skateboarding is not a crime, and etc? Bills and responsibilities! lol There is a ton of skate parks now all over the world now, and you see parents with their kids skateboarding, which is interesting.

Yeah, I just bought a longboard skateboard from amazon, hopefully no one steals it, when it's delivered. I'm gonna skate the sidewalks at the park. lol




What did you think of snowboarding?

What happened to skate or die, skateboarding is not a crime, and etc? Bills and responsibilities! lol There is a ton of skate parks now all over the world now, and you see parents with their kids skateboarding, which is interesting.

Yeah, I just bought a longboard skateboard from amazon, hopefully no one steals it, when it's delivered. I'm gonna skate the sidewalks at the park. lol



Enjoyed snowboarding but gave my board to my elder son, who goes at least a few times a year. Never say never but I doubt I will do it again....

Longboards are cool, the are a lot of fun to ride down hills for sure....
Keith Moon

You are right. Personal taste is all it boils down too. Ie, Rolling Stone has Buddy Rich ranked as the 15th best drummer. "IMO" only you are not going to convince me 14 drummers were better than Rich.

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