anybody got G Williams doing the DX again? (1 Viewer)

Fairly undignified for a man his age. I really hope we're just misreading his actions and he is doing something else.
Here you go...

<EMBED height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=640 src= allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED></EMBED>
I love it. I've felt the itch to do it to the opposing sideline a few times over the last couple seasons.
is my sarcasm indicator broke today or are you serious???:idunno::idunno::idunno:

Dead serious. I think it's crude and am embarrassed a prominent saints coach is doing that on national tv (if that's actually what he is doing).
Dead serious. I think it's crude and am embarrassed a prominent saints coach is doing that on national tv (if that's actually what he is doing).

If Payton had a problem with him doing it last time, I don't think we would have seen it again.
Dead serious. I think it's crude and am embarrassed a prominent saints coach is doing that on national tv (if that's actually what he is doing).

Well, if you have a problem with that, then I just have 2 words for you.......
Dead serious. I think it's crude and am embarrassed a prominent saints coach is doing that on national tv (if that's actually what he is doing).

I'm no Jesusfish, but I think it's pretty childish as well.

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