Sure Great , i notice all those projects are either on the river or north LA, what about the rest of us. Lafayette/New Iberia, Lake Charles, Alexandria.
She hasn't done squat for us. Our roads are terrible and getting worse, congestion is unreal. but some senator can have 11 reservoirs built at 45 mil a piece (up north) and have his brother or brother in law as a project manager.
I believe there is an expansion coming to I-49-Blanco is doing this or at least talking about it.
There is a rail car building plant in Alexandria-Blanco got this I think. Not to mention wasn't she a part of that Procter and Gamble facility in Alexandria as well?
Lake Charles has many industrial job opportinities although I cannot pinpoint anything Blanco did there.
Unfortunately I now little about Lafayette and New Iberia, so someone can educate me.
Let's also not forget the Synfuels facility that will hopefully make it to Geismar. Won't it use a coal product from North La.?
1. Synfuels?
2. New refinery?
3. Toyota Plant?
4. Taking federal government to court over Oil and Gas revenues and basically winning.
5. Steel mill?
6. Tank car facility in Alexandria.
Anything else? I don't think she has done too badly on the economic front. She gets half of this and she has done better than Foster.