Automatic selective service returning? (1 Viewer)


Veteran Starter
Jun 30, 2014
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A new plan from House lawmakers would automatically register men for a potential military draft when they hit age 18, avoiding potential legal consequences connected to failing to file the paperwork at the proper time.

Language included in the House Armed Services Committee’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would mandate the automatic registration of all males between ages 18 and 26 living in America in the Selective Service System, the federal database used for a military draft in case of a national emergency.

The system hasn’t been used for that purpose for 52 years, but men who fail to register can face a host of legal consequences, including forfeiture of eligibility for federal programs and possible jail time.

But the number of individuals who have skipped registering has increased in recent years, in large part because registration options were removed from the federal student loan process two years ago. That had accounted for nearly a quarter of all registrations in prior years.

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., sponsored the automatic registration language and called it both a money-saving and common-sense reform.

My son is already in the Air Force, but I hope this isn't a portent of something that is coming.

My son is already in the Air Force, but I hope this isn't a portent of something that is coming.

I don't think it's a foreshadowing.

I think it's a stark realization that as a military, we aren't fully staffed as we once were.

The issue is that during peacetime, the military budget is usually the first thing looked at. So this allows ability to maintain a current level of force, without having the expenses of a large increase in active duty soldiers.

At the end of the day, folks who rail on the military budget will have to come to terms with something like this.

I think the Russia/Ukraine conflict, now in year 3, with over 550,000 Russian troops kia/wia has opened some eyes to our own troop levels.

Just a guess tho.

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