Backyard Chickens (1 Viewer)


Veteran Starter
Jun 30, 2014
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My daughter and I took on a project starting late last year when we got a small clutch of 11 chicks we ordered from a local Florida hatchery.

Yesterday was our first appearance of eggs since we got the chicks back in late October. We have 9 hens in total, we did have 2 roosters but culled them because we have a very secure chicken run and coop so no need for the chickens to have defense and not looking to raise more chicks at this time. We have 4 Australorps, 2 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 2 Bantam Thuringians, and 1 Leghorn.

It's fun to have something to do daily with my teenage daughter and she has taken to doing more things outside and wanting to learn more about being self sustaining(she wants to look into planting some pumpkins and watermelons in the backyard now because the chickens love them.

Does anyone else have backyard chickens or even a small farm and raises livestock?
I have a nice garden patch in which I rotate crops throughout the year. My close friend raises chickens and we trade goods.
I would say just spending time with your teenager makes it worth it. Getting eggs is lagniappe
That’s awesome .
Considering the price of food, this is probably a good idea.

I'm probably gonna buy some fruit trees, but a chicken coop, seems like to much head-ache right now.

If food continues it's rapid rise in cost, it may become mandatory for survival. Fuel and food consuming more and more of people's budget.

My daughter and I took on a project starting late last year when we got a small clutch of 11 chicks we ordered from a local Florida hatchery.

Yesterday was our first appearance of eggs since we got the chicks back in late October. We have 9 hens in total, we did have 2 roosters but culled them because we have a very secure chicken run and coop so no need for the chickens to have defense and not looking to raise more chicks at this time. We have 4 Australorps, 2 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 2 Bantam Thuringians, and 1 Leghorn.

It's fun to have something to do daily with my teenage daughter and she has taken to doing more things outside and wanting to learn more about being self sustaining(she wants to look into planting some pumpkins and watermelons in the backyard now because the chickens love them.

Does anyone else have backyard chickens or even a small farm and raises livestock?
I don't have, but I'm actively considering a small patch of land for a sustainable personal project. I prize self sufficiency. Bonus is having food of known origin. Cherry on top would be spending time with my family like you are. I'm grateful to have the opportunity.
I had them and would like to have them again one day but wife hates that they eat her plants. It also felt nice to have somewhere to throw the left overs. Chickens will eat anything.
I had them and would like to have them again one day but wife hates that they eat her plants. It also felt nice to have somewhere to throw the left overs. Chickens will eat anything.
Have you thought about training some crows?

I don't have, but I'm actively considering a small patch of land for a sustainable personal project. I prize self sufficiency. Bonus is having food of known origin. Cherry on top would be spending time with my family like you are. I'm grateful to have the opportunity.
Issue I had was after raising them from chicks and tending them every day I couldn't bring myself to kill them 😂. I'm just not cut out to be a chicken farmer. I ate the heck out of some eggs but when I decided to get rid of them I had a guy that wanted them to come get them. I would imagine they lived out the rest of their lives on a big ranch and all died of natural causes. 😂
Issue I had was after raising them from chicks and tending them every day I couldn't bring myself to kill them 😂. I'm just not cut out to be a chicken farmer. I ate the heck out of some eggs but when I decided to get rid of them I had a guy that wanted them to come get them. I would imagine they lived out the rest of their lives on a big ranch and all died of natural causes. 😂
They are too tough to eat after a certain age. They are only really good for soup. Not a lot of meat. After 4-5 years the egg production will drop. Then it’s a choice of pet or soup. Mine were all free range during the day and locked up at night.
4 Eggs yesterday and 2 this morning. Pretty good production from just 3 of the hens laying currently. Once all 9 are laying we will be giving eggs out to family and friends. Even with me eating 5 eggs a day personally there is no way to keep up.
They are too tough to eat after a certain age. They are only really good for soup. Not a lot of meat. After 4-5 years the egg production will drop. Then it’s a choice of pet or soup. Mine were all free range during the day and locked up at night.
I like soup

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