Beard Transplants

Optimus Prime

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Jul 18, 1998
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I had no idea this was a thing

Of all the teenage anxieties that can take root, beard growth – or the lack of it – was the one that really got to Vikram Arora.

His facial hair was patchier than a drought-hit lawn and by the time he went to college he was very self-conscious.

“You’d have older guys coming in with a bit of stubble and it was almost this guilty secret where I’d be thinking: ‘I wish I could have that,’” he says.

It was the 90s and George Michael’s sculpted goatee was everywhere. Arora, who is 47 and lives in Essex, remembers being racked with envy as he admired Tom Ford’s designer stubble in a photo in a clothes shop. At one point, he took to stealing his sister’s mascara wand in an attempt to fill in the gaps…..

I feel as if I almost don’t need to ask Arora what triggered the decision to do something about his facial hair deficit. For millions of people, the pandemic lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 created the compelling combination of spare time and disposable income, along with the harsh mirror of endless video calls. Demand soared for a whole gallery of aesthetic tweaks and surgical interventions.

Arora had heard about beard transplants a few years earlier. As much as he longed for facial hair, he also feared what might go wrong and that he would be judged for having had surgery.

Come lockdown, which also prompted a surge in bigger, fuller beards, he was researching them obsessively. “Eventually, I said: ‘I’m going in for a consultation.’”

Arora ended up meeting Nadeem Khan, whose Harley Street Hair Clinic in central London has been doing hair transplants for more than 15 years.

Beard procedures follow the same principle: surgeons use a needle to pull hairs, or “follicular units”, typically from thicker areas of hair at the back of the head. These grafts can then be inserted into less hairy areas of the scalp or face via tiny cuts in the skin.

Khan, the clinic’s chief executive, says follicular unit extraction was initially used only for beards on victims of trauma, such as soldiers with shrapnel wounds. His clinic would have half a dozen such patients a year.

But as awareness of hair transplanting grew, thanks in part to celebrities such as Wayne Rooney, who restored his hairline in 2011, interest in beard restoration started to rise, before booming in the pandemic.

There are no industry stats, but Khan says inquiries from beard patients have tripled since 2020. His surgeons now do up to 100 transplants a year, 90% of which are aesthetic (the rest are fixes for scars or burns).

Costs at his clinic range from £3,000 to £7,000, depending on the number of grafts. “I think there’s this new form of masculinity where the beard has become important and now every man wants to be like Gerard Butler in 300,” he says, citing the 2006 film……..

“It’s still a wild west, this industry,” says Spencer Stevenson, a prominent mentor for balding men, who is known online as Spex. Stevenson says beard transplants are technically challenging.

Head hair can be finer and softer than facial hair, requiring careful blending of hairs in thin or patchy areas to achieve a uniform look. The stakes are higher.

“You can have a bad hair transplant and sometimes get away with it, but with a beard it’s a whole new kettle of fish because it’s on your face,” he says. “You can’t put a hat on it.”…..

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I always find these trends weird, b/c at some point, inevitably, beards will not be en vogue anymore like they have been for the last 5 or 10 years.. then they will have spent all this money for a procedure where, who knows what happens if the next fad is “clean shaven”- can you do that if you’ve had a beard transplant ?

Not to be indelicate, but it reminds me of another fad a few years back where i knew women who had their hair in the, shall we say, “nether regions” permanently removed with a permanent procedure …. I am old enough to remember when that was not trendy; what will those women do when ‘hardwood floors’ are no longer in style ?

What say you when you return @guidomerkinsrules
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I'm part indigenous... I can't grow facial hair for nothing - the ukranian/french side lets me grow "some" but it takes 4 months to grow anything resembling anything... and i still look like the fly... but i don't need manscaped so that's a +
I don't like beards anymore than I like shaving.... yeah, it's a struggle :hihi:

I don't know... I think if you need a beard to feel manly, you really aren't, and the beard is not going to make you manlier.
I don't like beards anymore than I like shaving.... yeah, it's a struggle :hihi:

I don't know... I think if you need a beard to feel manly, you really aren't, and the beard is not going to make you manlier.

Same same .

I think having a full beard is a pain in the a**.. i can grow a full beard in 4 or 5 days (it’s the Sicilian from my mother’s side)- but maintaining it is an itchfest … Personally ive always been a stubble guy.. so instead of dealing with beard trimmers and the like, i will shave my face once per week, or twice per week at most, since as i mentioned if i go a whole week without shaving, i tend to find myself with a full-on Grizzly Adams .. so i rock the stubble, and to me it looks and feels better than a beard or a totally smooth face .
Not to be indelicate, but it reminds me of another fad a few years back where i knew women who had their hair in the, shall we say, “nether regions” permanently removed with a permanent procedure …. I am old enough to remember when that was not trendy; what will those women do when ‘hardwood floors’ are no longer in style ?

What say you when you return @guidomerkinsrules
You shut your mouth! Don't try to speak the permanent mirken into existance. :D
Same same .

I think having a full beard is a pain in the a**.. i can grow a full beard in 4 or 5 days (it’s the Sicilian from my mother’s side)- but maintaining it is an itchfest … Personally ive always been a stubble guy.. so instead of dealing with beard trimmers and the like, i will shave my face once per week, or twice per week at most, since as i mentioned if i go a whole week without shaving, i tend to find myself with a full-on Grizzly Adams .. so i rock the stubble, and to me it looks and feels better than a beard or a totally smooth face .

I'm the same as you, but I don't razor shave my face. I use an unguarded trimmer to get it as close as possible then by the end of the week I look like I've been growing a beard for a month. Now it's getting all grey, so I may rethink that shortly. I do not have any grey hair on my head so it's kind of a bummer. :hihi:
I’m typically clean shaven but can grow a beard if/when I want.
I agree that beard maintenance is a pain in the arse and they don’t make you “manly”.

Also, :smilielol: at beard transplants.
Beard envy? Hair implants on my face?

That's pretty weird to me, and I've never been able to have a beard. Too much native American blood (Cherokee and Creek) in me has always been my assumption. Otherwise, I'm English, Scot, German, Welsh, Irish, French, a very tiny bit Russian Jew, all of which should make me prone to a lot of facial hair, but I have very little. Can't say I ever wanted to have a beard, so personally I find this line of thinking really odd.
I'm the same as you, but I don't razor shave my face. I use an unguarded trimmer to get it as close as possible then by the end of the week I look like I've been growing a beard for a month. Now it's getting all grey, so I may rethink that shortly. I do not have any grey hair on my head so it's kind of a bummer. :hihi:
Having been graying since I was 17, with both my beard and hair now more salt than pepper, you can cry me a river. :hihi:
Having been graying since I was 17, with both my beard and hair now more salt than pepper, you can cry me a river. :hihi:
Guess the plus side of this is that you can look more or less the same for forty years like Steve Martin
  • 1LOL
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