Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT) (3 Viewers)

I think it's market manipulation for sure... people spreading FUD and buying when it dips.

I'm all in on ICX and VEN (these two are great long term holds in particular) for the most part, also have some REQ, and MOD.
Or Sachs sees an easy way to manipulate it.

The publicly reported trading volume at Mt. Gox included the fraudulent transactions, thereby signaling to the market that heavy trading activity was taking place. Indeed, the paper later shows that even if the fraudulent activity is set aside, average trading volume on all major exchanges trading bitcoins and USD was much higher on days the bots were active. The associated increase in “non-bot” trading was, of course, profitable for Mt. Gox, since it collected transaction fees.
But the Willy Bot likely served another purpose as well. A theory, initially espoused in a Reddit post shortly after Mt. Gox’s collapse (Anonymous, 2014b), is that hackers stole a huge number (approximately 650,000) of bitcoins from Mt. Gox in June 2011 and that the exchange owner Mark Karpales took extraordinary steps to cover up the loss for several years.

This is earlier history, but a stronger more well heeled actor than one or two individuals has more resources to manipulate the larger market.
It's a bloodbath in the crypto world today. Everything is down ~20%. Crazy.
I saw a chart showing this has happened every single January for the last few years. Possibly tied to Chinese lunar new year. Always recovers however.

I'll just say it once but buy yourself some VeChain (VEN) and hold it long-term. They are working on solving counterfeiting problems + more in China using IOT (rfid chips etc which will verify authenticity of things) technology and have some HUGE partnerships... top 4 accounting firm in world, top tabacco company, government partnerships, the list goes on and on and is growing fast. It's performed well during this dip too. Also have a major exchange in the works where VEN will be used to purchased verified/authentic goods, as well as rumors about a People's Bank of China deal.

Jim Breyer, a major venture capatalist who invested early in Facebook + Ethereum, invested in it, pretty much his only holding besides Ethereum. His wife is Chinese, has tons of high-level government, shipping, banking ties. They are becoming the major (if not the official) blockchain solution in China.

Oh one more thing, the CEO is Sunny Lu, former CIO of Louis Vutton. They know a thing or two about counterfeiting problems.

Do the research yourself but holy **** does this look promising.

Good reading:
BTC might actually dip below $10K. And this drop has been pretty much across the board. Either it’s a buying opportunity or there will be a cooling off period pending resolution of the regulatory question that has now become pointed in several key crypto markets.
Just waiting for it to hit 5000, then I'm in. I've got a few grand I won't miss if I lose it.
The wave of publicity probally created its own bubble on top of the bubble that was already there.
I dipped into ETH at $883 today. I make small buys ($50 to $100) and have been buying for about 6 months in auto drafts with manual buys like today when on sale. Lowest buy in was in the high $290's. I am liking this sale. Doing the same for litecoin but it seems to be on life support since founder Charlie Lee bailed. My plan for litecoin was to convert to ripple but the process was so complex I gave up.

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