Elon on SNL and DOGE drops 20%.
I watched SNL last night but turned it off before Weekend Update, which is apparently when he made his comments... Overall, in the portion of the show i saw, he was actually better than I thought he would be.. He is an odd dude, but he embraced it.. i liked the line he had where he said somehting to the effect of ‘I reinvented electric cars and I’m sending humans to Mars- did you think I’d be a normal, chill dude?’... But yeah, when it was first announced that he’d be hosting, i did immediately think that if he somehow goofed, it could negatively affect the price of TSLA.. i wasnt really thinking of DOGE or anything else.. in the world we live in, it seems surprising that anyone that rich would even want to host SNL when one misstep could have major financial consequences, but that type of pressure doesn’t seem to affect Musk- which is probably why he’s a multi Billionaire and i am a multi- Thousandaire. #humblebrag