Burger King: Women belong in the kitchen (1 Viewer)

Honestly, anyone using Twitter as a communication platform deserves what they get at this point. It's like swimming naked with piranha and asking what could go wrong.
People are using Twitter as though it works like a thought bubble and instead of saying to themselves, Oh, oops, did I say that out loud?, are gobsmacked to find out writing things down on the internet to no one in particular doesn't work like that and that someone has ALWAYS screen shot it before you deleted it.
Must be nice to have a life so easy that the most challenging thing you have to do all day is shame a person or company for bad phrasing for doing something that anybody can see is perfectly well intentioned
I see what you're saying, but to use that phrase is still incredibly wrongheaded.
I’m almost certain that when a big company does this stuff nowadays, they’re just manufacturing controversy to drive traffic
(Or maybe even data mining)
Crap. I've been had. I never default to that thought. I bet you're right.
In a lot of ways, contextualism and nuance is dead.
I agree but I admit in this case, I wasn't sticking around for the explanation of this quip.
That's your opinion and also nothing more than a semantic dodge in this case lol
It’s my opinion based on the fact that a corporation isn’t a person

the real dodge her is that we’re talking about misogynistic triggers and not that BK is talking about putting people in chef school
thats like lazyboy putting people in yoga school

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