Bush's Hesitation (1 Viewer)


Professor Who Dat?!
Sep 7, 2008
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I really wish he would stop hesitating. When he first came to the team, he made quick decisions, usually to bounce outside.

It was obvious that he was coached to run the play as assigned, and his quick decision to cut it outside slowed.

Now, it seems like he doesn't make quick decisions. It is as if he is always second guessing himself in the moment.

I don't know what the answer is...perhaps his confidence has slipped as the injuries and mistakes have mounted.

I still love the guy, but I sure wish he would believe and just do the dam thing!
Actually it was the complete opposite. When he came here, he hesitated...that was his problem...he'd dance about not sure of where to go....then he stopped doing it last year..and has once again gone back to it.

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