Caption? (1 Viewer)


Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta by way of New Orleans
Here is a great pic taken by a friend at the Times Picayune. This was taken during the time out before the 4th and goal when Cinncy jumped giving us the 1st and goal. Anyone wanna provide a caption?


  • 156727_1622278529619_1616157446_1431342_555515_n.jpg
    104 KB · Views: 26
Payton: "They're just dumb enough to fall for it."
Here is a great pic taken by a friend at the Times Picayune. This was taken during the time out before the 4th and goal when Cinncy jumped giving us the 1st and goal. Anyone wanna provide a caption?

Ok we let them think they have a chance coach, can we just put them away now.

ok go ahead
Payton: "See the hot blond with the huge cans seated in the front row behind the end zone?"

Brees: "Oh yeh, she's mesmerizing."
I was at the game and I'd bet it was something like "I'm freezing my MOD EDIT off coach, lets just end this"
"Listen, I know Reggie's new girlfriend over there has a unbelievable booty, but try to concentrate on what I'm telling you. We're gonna go with the hard count... hello? Anybody home?"
Payton:"We have a significant problem here.......I don't have any juicy fruit."
Drew: " I think I see some over there."
We know you can dunk the ball over the goal post but still don't hike it
Payton: You see number 90 over?
Brees: Him..?
Payton:They have that stupid WHO DEY chant I know they will fall for this.Drew: I like it coach. Payton:Do you love it. Drew:I love it coach.

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