Class action lawsuit filed over NFL Sunday ticket (1 Viewer)

In addition to this, the NFL limited programming choices, by not allowing the purchase of a single game viewing like there is in boxing or allowing a viewer to subscribe for a lower price to just one team. Then, they've made it even less affordable by giving the new contract to Youtube. At least Direct TV offered discounts for staying with satellite TV.

Could this get rid of Goddell?
As much as I'd love to see the plaintiffs succeed and hold the NFL accountable for sticking it to the consumer (like Ticketmaster), I don't see how the suit results in damages being awarded to the plaintiff. If the NFL thought the suit had a chance of succeeding they would have settled. Looking forward to hearing from the corporate lawyers on here opine on the merits of the suit.
Not sure how this will roll iut since the contract is now with Youtube who would be unlikey to participate in any future settlement and are not named in the suit. Most likely the settlement will involve sone kind of in-kind preferential treatment to past subscribers with future discounts. A cash settlement to all of us past subscribers would be hard to implement and tie up much of the money in the settlement.
If you already subscribe to YouTube TV it’s really not that bad, $350.00. About $21 a game. It cost more than that just to park when go to a game. Of course there may be some games not carried that may add to the cost. I’m in market so most of this doesn’t apply to me and I’ve never had Sunday Ticket.

I live in BR and a friend did subscribe through Direct TV and his biggest issue was not getting Saints games if they were black out. Paying and still not being able to see the one game you want really sucks. That’s the real issue.

But for an NFL fam who wants to watch out of market games it’s a good deal especially now that YouTube has it because you can drop YouTube in the off season. Direct TV had service contracts.
I don't get how this works for the product the NFL is offering. The article I read (didn't read the one posted on the OP; I see "disable ad blocker" and immediately look for another source) basically says the NFL is being sued for having a monopoly on the NFL.
If you already subscribe to YouTube TV it’s really not that bad, $350.00. About $21 a game. It cost more than that just to park when go to a game. Of course there may be some games not carried that may add to the cost. I’m in market so most of this doesn’t apply to me and I’ve never had Sunday Ticket.

I live in BR and a friend did subscribe through Direct TV and his biggest issue was not getting Saints games if they were black out. Paying and still not being able to see the one game you want really sucks. That’s the real issue.

But for an NFL fam who wants to watch out of market games it’s a good deal especially now that YouTube has it because you can drop YouTube in the off season. Direct TV had service contracts.
Agreed with the comparison to attending games in person. But there’s no way in heck I’d pay $350 a month for any TV package involving the modern-day NFL. Or modern-day television, for that matter.

Just a note on attending games…my trick in most recent years is to just take an Uber ride to the game. Even a “gameday” price for the ride pales in comparison to seeing a city employee putting a boot on your car because you couldn’t quite make it back to the parking spot on time. Happened to me once.
Agreed with the comparison to attending games in person. But there’s no way in heck I’d pay $350 a month for any TV package involving the modern-day NFL. Or modern-day television, for that matter.

Just a note on attending games…my trick in most recent years is to just take an Uber ride to the game. Even a “gameday” price for the ride pales in comparison to seeing a city employee putting a boot on your car because you couldn’t quite make it back to the parking spot on time. Happened to me once.
Or coming back to broken windows.
The compensation will be that DTV offers you free Sunday Ticket for next season
Pay per view each and every game and every team makes the most sense. It not as if it really interferes will network revenue since they get and expanded audience and a cut of the streaming "gate."
Pay per view each and every game and every team makes the most sense. It not as if it really interferes will network revenue since they get and expanded audience and a cut of the streaming "gate."
They’ll never allow every game to be PPV.
At best, it’ll be the noon and 3:30 games only.
Ala carte style.
Agreed with the comparison to attending games in person. But there’s no way in heck I’d pay $350 a month for any TV package involving the modern-day NFL. Or modern-day television, for that matter.

Just a note on attending games…my trick in most recent years is to just take an Uber ride to the game. Even a “gameday” price for the ride pales in comparison to seeing a city employee putting a boot on your car because you couldn’t quite make it back to the parking spot on time. Happened to me once.
Is that a typo, $350 a month?

It’s $350 a season or about $21 a game if you’re interested in only one team. The package includes all Sunday games.

If you could buy single games on a weekly basis how much would you be willing to pay? If I was out of market $21 a game is not bad especially if I had no other option. Going to a sports bar is ok but being home and drinking a few beers would be cheaper even paying for the package and I don’t have to worry about getting home.
Love the service on You tube TV. I paid early last season and this season to save $100, plus they let you pay it out if you like in installments of $78 (approximately) a month for 4 months. My numbers could be off, but with the proliferation of Smart TV's and Fiber's the way of the future. I get that it's a lot of money. The only problem I have with the way the NFL runs the broadcasting rights is the way blackouts are applied at times. Oh, and I just hope that Goodell gets dealt with by having a great unclean one sit on his face.

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