Feb 21, 2011 #1 FullMonteSuper Forum FanaticJoinedDec 23, 2002Messages6,192Reaction score4,410Age57Location Shreveport/Bossier CityOfflineSaw this at my local Wallyworld...you'd think at least one person would have noticed... Attachments Image0144.jpg 83.5 KB · Views: 19
Feb 21, 2011 #2 seagull2010 World ChampionsJoinedAug 1, 2006Messages2,054Reaction score810OfflineMust have got them from Atlanta.
Feb 21, 2011 #3 MsMSSaintsFanSuper Forum FanaticJoinedFeb 28, 2010Messages5,427Reaction score3,966Location Gulf Coast MSOffline
Feb 21, 2011 #4 SeminoleMarineRebel AllianceJoinedSep 13, 2001Messages9,523Reaction score1,099OfflineThose are the shirts for the New Orleans Sinners. They use the inverted Fleur de Lis like devil worship uses the inverted crucifix.......
Those are the shirts for the New Orleans Sinners. They use the inverted Fleur de Lis like devil worship uses the inverted crucifix.......
Feb 21, 2011 #5 billinmsTiptoeing Through the TulipsJoinedOct 1, 2004Messages19,659Reaction score24,591Age52Location Ocean SpringsOfflineChinese craftsmanship at it's finest.
Feb 21, 2011 #6 Chopblock...JoinedDec 12, 2007Messages2,889Reaction score1,533Age37Location Baton RougeOfflineI'd buy it just cause it was upside down.
Feb 21, 2011 #7 kcirdorVIP ContributorJoinedApr 21, 2006Messages22,315Reaction score12,372Age44OfflineI would buy it and wear it...
Feb 21, 2011 #8 FLIPPYAngler of the YearGold VIP ContributorJoinedJan 8, 2007Messages20,203Reaction score32,654Age61Location MetryOfflineThat's so you can wear it and look at it right side up.....
Feb 21, 2011 #9 FLEALivin' the dreamJoinedMay 9, 2008Messages4,369Reaction score3,788Location In a van down by the river.OfflineWelcome to Waveland.
Feb 21, 2011 #10 Charlie BrizzownGood griefGold VIP ContributorJoinedSep 20, 2009Messages4,179Reaction score6,025Location San Diego, CAOfflineThe first thing that came to mind after reading the thread title was skinny jeans.
Feb 21, 2011 #11 saintsfanflThey call me BoudreauxJoinedFeb 21, 2007Messages3,786Reaction score5,300Age59Location W. Palm Beach, FLOfflineWas it the whole rack of Saints shirts or just that 1 that was incorrect?
Feb 21, 2011 #12 mulletslingerHall-of-FamerJoinedOct 24, 2003Messages3,704Reaction score3,028Age50Offlineits like a droopy nipple
Feb 21, 2011 Moderator #13 staphoryStaff memberSuper ModeratorVIP Subscribing MemberVIP ContributorGold VIP ContributorJoinedAug 21, 1998Messages12,275Reaction score5,177Location Stonewall , MSOfflineSaw this one in a Wal-Mart in Meridian, see if you can figure out what I thought was wrong. Attachments Wal.jpg 102.5 KB · Views: 8
Feb 21, 2011 #14 billinmsTiptoeing Through the TulipsJoinedOct 1, 2004Messages19,659Reaction score24,591Age52Location Ocean SpringsOfflineSome letters a Saints fan just wouldn't cover up.
Feb 21, 2011 #15 TXSAINTFANMusic is LifeVIP ContributorDiamond VIP ContributorJoinedSep 12, 2005Messages7,785Reaction score2,942Location Edmond OKOfflinePfffffft!