Computer Super Worm cripples Iran Nuke Plant (1 Viewer)

I'm 110% sure the U.S. had nothing to do with this worm whatsoever.:mwink:

Seriously though, that sounds pretty awesome. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Fascinating read, it is one scary scenario for a world run by computers.
Thanks for posting.
This won't be as cool, when someone reverse engineers it and employs it against us.
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This won't be as cool, when someone reverse engineers it and employs it against us.

I am pretty sure the first thing we would do is test it and immune our selves from it. But cyber warfare is above my understanding though.
we should just get anyone who antagonizes us, addicted to Farmville or Mafia Wars or Fishville or whatever.

they'd never bother us again
I hate that the virus was discovered - for two reasons...

first - Iran's capacity to get nuclear weapons increases without the worm slowing them down.

second - I work in a career field that uses a lot of ICS systems (the siemens stuff that Stux attacked) and the security issues arising from this are going to definitely be a MAJOR headache.
I hate that the virus was discovered - for two reasons...

first - Iran's capacity to get nuclear weapons increases without the worm slowing them down.

second - I work in a career field that uses a lot of ICS systems (the siemens stuff that Stux attacked) and the security issues arising from this are going to definitely be a MAJOR headache.
I'm pretty sure with enought effort China, India, Russia, etc. are capable of rpelicating something like this specifically customized to a US target, not to mention any number of European nations.

This can go both ways, but we are much more spoiled than they are, so I'm not sure who's better equipped to go without, say, electricity, for weeks at a time.
I'm pretty sure with enought effort China, India, Russia, etc. are capable of rpelicating something like this specifically customized to a US target, not to mention any number of European nations.

This can go both ways, but we are much more spoiled than they are, so I'm not sure who's better equipped to go without, say, electricity, for weeks at a time.

Don't forget that the precedent has been set that no "war" need be declared to use this sort of "weapon".

*sigh*..."preemptive strikes" are against international law for a reason...I guess we can throw that out of the window now.
I hate that the virus was discovered - for two reasons...

first - Iran's capacity to get nuclear weapons increases without the worm slowing them down.

second - I work in a career field that uses a lot of ICS systems (the siemens stuff that Stux attacked) and the security issues arising from this are going to definitely be a MAJOR headache.

From my experience, Siemens is crap... I don't see how it would be hard to hack :covri:

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